Monday, April 2, 2012

Theme: The Big Idea FREEBIE!

Note to self:  Avoiding having a schedule while on break only hurts you more when you return to work.  {Noted.}

Seriously.  Today was my first day back after Spring Break, and it was nice to be back, even though the schedule part was a little painful.  And the waking up at 6 AM part.  That too.  :)  I just love my widdles though.  Kids are so much stinkin' fun!

All in all, it was a pretty productive day.  We jumped right back in to "Fly, Eagle, Fly" today, after a week long hiatus.  We talked a little bit about PLOT using these little goodies before revisiting the story.  {You may opt to check out my Story Rollercoaster Poster for more a more advanced take on this.} We discussed how the plot is like a rollercoaster, because the excitement builds as you go from the beginning to the middle, and then it slows back down at the end. We discussed the problem/solution relationship and the climax of the story briefly.  Then I said that we were going to be taking another look at the plot of "Fly Eagle Fly" to try to figure out the theme.  I explained that the theme is the "big idea".  We looked at examples of common themes, and the kiddos shared examples of books that teach you something about each theme or "big idea".  I just tacked Beth Newingham's theme posters (the mini-versions) onto the end of my plot file to make them accessible for my kiddos, even though they've been hanging in my room all year too.  {She is crazy-talented!}  Anyway... we discussed common themes, then I reread the story.  We filled out the PLOT packet together while I created an anchor chart to make our thinking visible and permanent.  We didn't fill out the theme page until we finished everything else, then we reread the summary we generated as a class.  I asked my little peanuts, "What can we learn from this story?  What's the big idea?"  We had a discussion about it, and then we filled in our theme page.

The kiddos used their summaries to write an even more concise summary of the story for a little craftivity action.  The craftivity was based off of my fabulous friend Cara's inventor lightbulb.  I found the cute idea last year, and I was just chompin' at the bits to use it.  When I started working on resources to teach how theme is the "big idea", a big lightbulb popped over my head.  The free printable addresses plot (b,m,e), and how it contributes to the overall theme.  This was a really nice way to wrap up the lesson, and they are just plain precious.  I used the squiggly design from my other sweet friend Abby's "Oh the Thinks You Can Think" freebie.  Here's a little looksie at my sample and some student examples.  If you think you can use this with your kiddos, download a FREE COPY HERE. {Just click "File" and scroll down to "Download" in the drop down menu, and you'll be all set!}


In other news, I have been so excited to share this little nugget with you for so long, but I kept forgetting to snap a picture.  Okay, so we started a Character Shop a few months ago, well into the school year.  We had a big change-over with staff and administration this year, so we've sort of evolved throughout the year.  As a result, the kiddos have had an itty bitty amount of time to earn a little bit of cash {$5.00 a week} for homework completion and good character.  Well, bless their hearts.  My homeroom class decided to try to put their money together to purchase a gift for me "for being such a nice teacher".  Bask in the cuteness.

Now, I should note that our principal talked to my class about this once he caught wind of their plans.  He {understandably} doesn't want them to put their money together to buy a large item.  So,  alas, there's not a giant inflatable whale in my classroom, and all character cash has been returned.  I just love how sweet my thirdsters were to even think of me, and I love that they cooperated to do something so thoughtful, especially when it meant that they had to sacrifice buying something for themselves to buy something for me.  Especially since that whale was the most exciting thing to hit our school all year.  It is definitely the most coveted item in the whole store.  The idea that my students wanted to give me something that they viewed as such a "valuable" and wonderful thing just completely touches my heart.  And that is a gift in itself... tangible or not.  It's the thought that counts. 

$128.00.  Buy Mrs. Nickerson a whale.


  1. That made me a little teary. What sweet darlings you have.

    Emily @ Second Grade Silliness 

  2. That envelope picture melts my heart. Precious.


  3. Oh my goodness, that brought tears to my eyes. It just proves how much of an impact a loving, supportive teacher makes on her (or his! students. Bless you!

    Christi ツ
    Ms. Fultz’s Corner

  4. How sweet of your students!!! Thanks for sharing this story.

    Also, love the plot roller coaster. Thanks for sharing!


  5. Amanda,

    I love this sweet post. You are touching their hearts in so many ways! It is so amazing how God uses us to touch the lives of our kiddos but also how He uses them to touch our hearts as well. =)

    Heather's Heart

  6. What a sweet group of kiddos you have! :) Thank you for also being so sweet to share your BME activity, I LOVE it! :)
    Stories From Second

  7. It's amazing what big hearts kids have!

    I love the idea of using the light bulb to teach about the main idea... I'll have to use this with my class as well! We may be kindergarten, but it will still be perfect for whole group!

  8. That's super cute! My 5/6s actually pulled off a suprise party for me on my last day...I was so impressed!

    If you have a moment, there is a question on my blog post that I'm looking for help with. Stop on by if you can!



  9. Love it! Thanks for sharing:)


  10. So sweet! I am tagging you and now you are it. Stop by my blog to find out more.

