Saturday, March 22, 2014

Shave 10% Off SDE National Events!

Well, I am officially on Spring Break, and I am finally catching my breath.  Life has been very busy with my final OTES evaluations, the end of the third nine-weeks, grad school assignments, and preparations for my first gig as an adjunct.  I am SO excited to have the opportunity to try out teaching at the college level before I make a formal decision to pursue my doctorate.  I THINK that's the direction I want to go, but I don't want to spend the money and invest five more years into school only to find out that my heart isn't in it.  So, this is perfect.  I will post more information when everything is officially posted since we're still working out the dates at the moment, but I am very excited to be working with such a wonderful small Christian university.  It's going to be a great experience!  I can already tell!  :) 

I did take some time to visit with fellow teacher bloggers today, and I am glad I did.  It's always nice to be able to meet the people behind the blogs and Instagram accounts that I follow, and it's always reassuring to talk with people who are passionate about education and kiddos.  We literally chatted for four hours over lunch... and I am pretty sure we could have talked all day.  Believe it or not, I failed to snap a single picture, so I snagged these from teaching buddies instead!  The lighting was a little uncooperative and my bangs were unruly, but I love the pictures anyway! Good times!

Amelia from Where the Wild Things Learn & Christina from Sugar & Spice.  Love them!
Here's a little snapshot from our table!  There were roughly twenty of us in attendance.

In other news, which is really the whole purpose for this post, I am excited to be able to offer you a discounted admission to any of the seven SDE summer events!  Use my VIP code of AN10 for a discount of 10% off registration at any of the 7 events!  Have a great weekend!


  1. are you teaching at malone?? those students will be lucky to have you!

  2. It was so nice meeting you at the meet-up on Saturday!!! It was so much fun! :) Have a great spring break!!!
