Thursday, November 21, 2013

I'm Thankful for YOU! {Thanksgiving Goodies = 50% Off}

Hi, friends!  I haven't had time to focus on blogging lately, so I apologize for my lack of posts.  I've been busy planning, differentiating, enriching, supporting, integrating more technology, and basically living the dream!  Going into this year,  I knew time would be my biggest obstacle, but I didn't realize the full extent of it.  To make a very long (and possibly uninteresting) story short, I'm definitely spending a LOT more time on my classroom this year.  Well, a lot more than normal anyway!!!  ;)   I love my students, I love my school, I love our staff, and I love my position.  It's just been a hard year for me to find that balance.  Everything is SO NEW!  It's definitely helping me grow a lot, but if I'm being honest, I am exhausted.  So, rather than wallowing in self-pity about my lack of "free time" to blog or allowing myself to look at the negatives, I'd like to share what I'm thankful for instead.

1.  I'm thankful for a God that forgives... and who loves me (and you) unconditionally.

2. I'm thankful for a supportive, intelligent, talented,  hilarious, and thoughtful husband.  He keeps me from letting my Type A tendencies send me into a tizzy.  On pretty much a regular basis.  He's also pretty handsome... and that's just another added bonus! He's definitely my best friend!

3.  I'm thankful for a family that has always been there for me... and continues to be.  :)

4.  I'm thankful for a job that I look forward to every day with kiddos that I look forward to seeing.  I can't think of anything else I'd rather do with my life.  It's definitely what I was born to do. 

5.  I'm thankful for lots of new opportunities this year like presenting and getting my gifted endorsement.  It's crazy how life takes you down different paths... and it just keeps getting better!

6.  I'm thankful for so many things, but I'm also thankful for YOU!  My readers!  The people who keep me coming back to blog and share my creations... even when I kinda-sorta just want to take a nap on the right now.  (True story!)  I am so thankful for teachers out there who are in the trenches every single day, pouring everything you have into your classrooms and your students.  It's no secret that we have an increasingly difficult job, and it's SUCH an important job too.  Thank you for your passion, your selflessness, and everything you have done to help motivate ME too.  :)

As a special way of saying THANK YOU, I'm putting my Thanksgiving goodies on sale for 50% through 11/23!  I hope you are able to take advantage of the sale, if you feel this is something you can use, and I hope it helps makes planning for next week just a little easier.  :)  We have a short week, so I plan on putting the centers out on Wednesday, and having a little inferencing fun too! To check out the files, simply click on an image to be taken to each file!  I hope your kiddos enjoy them as much as my kiddos always enjoy our monthly centers!
If you want to check out my old posts about my Inference Detectives: Fun on the Farm lesson, you can click HERE to see my old post with a more detailed description! You can also click HERE to snag a FREE MP3 file for the accompanying song!  :) If you find that you like it, even though I admit in the post that I am no Carrie Underwood, you can find more songs in my TpT store!

Again, thank you for following along!  :)  I hope to get back in the saddle soon... with lots more to share!  In the meantime, I am off to grade tests and cook dinner!  Have a great night!!!


  1. Thanks for this great sale! I was wondering if you could help me out with something. I am a first year teacher who has just recently moved from kindergarten to fourth grade, when we didn't have enough kindergarteners to keep on a second teacher. I have loved fourth grade so far, but sometimes I can get so overwhelmed with trying to learn the curriculum, plan lessons, make materials, and keep on top of everything else. I was wondering if you have any advice for me or tricks you couldn't live without. I was wondering if you have also done the Daily 5 or literature circles and how those worked for you? Thanks for taking the time to help me out! Your blog has been a huge inspiration to me!

    1. Hi Alley, I'm sure you've already seen these, but some bloggers have a linky to 'new teacher tips.' Here's an example of one. You can find some great tips out there. I wish you the best in your new position. This is the most rewarding career. A tip I can share with you is to make mini class lists. I use mine all the time to keep track on field trip forms, work that has been turned in, sub tub, forms that need to be returned to school, conference slips, etc. The list goes on and on. I don't know how I kept up with all of this stuff prior to my making the lists. Also, make a little 'recipe box' to record missing work. Students can't make the excuse of not knowing it wasn't turned in, and you can show parents at conferences. Keep them accountable!

      A Teaspoon of Teaching

  2. If I remember correctly- you're in the multi-age world this year. It's the blessing and curse of the position. There are certainly benefits to the students but, as a multi-age teacher myself, I can certainly empathize with your exhaustion! Thanks for the reminder to stop and think about what I am thankful for rather than wallowing in exhaustion... it's a needed reminder!

  3. Thanks for sharing this wonderful post. I think your Thanksgiving bundle is adorable. We have conferences next week, but I'm going to buy this for next year. Hope you got your nap in. :)

    A Teaspoon of Teaching

  4. You are the best teacher, Amanda. I can't imagine how crazy your life must be trying to teach a split level AND keep up with TPT, blogging, etc. Hope you can take a mental break & really rest over the Thanksgiving holiday. :)
