Friday, July 12, 2013

On the Sixth Day of Christmas...

Good morning!  Before I get into all of the nitty-gritty product stuff, I'd love love to share a few pictures from our trip to Maryland and D.C. to visit family.  :)  We always try to find new things to do every time we're there, and it's always a lot of fun, even when we revisit places that we haven't been for years.  As you can see, I am rocking the paleness this summer.  I lost both of my grandmothers to melanoma, so although I would LOVE to slather myself in oil like I used to do in high school and college, I am seriously considering carrying a parasol around with me wherever I go.  I LOVE my life, and I would like to continue to live it for a really long time, so as a result, I am usually the palest person in the room!  Ha!  This is a picture of Mr. Wonderful and I at Union Station.  We went on a night tour, and it was a great way to see the city.  We have visited many of them in the past, but it was our first time visiting the FDR Memorial and MLK Memorial.  Everything is so beautiful in the evening, especially the memorials.  I highly recommend the Big Bus tours if you are ever in the area!

We also spent a lot of time with family while we were there.  This is a picture of my hubs with our sweet niece.  Clearly she is moderately concerned about the fact that she matches Uncle B.

Every time we have visited family, I have expressed my desire to go to Mount Vernon.  The timing was just never right.  This time, we made it happen, and it was beautiful.  I LOVE history, so it was a great way to spend the day with the mister.  If you ever decide to go, make sure that you give yourself several hours to tour the plantation, the museum, and the education center.  We spent an additional 45 minutes at George Washington's distillery and grist mill.  It was a good time!

Anyway, without further adieu, here's the deal!  If you want to make sure to stay on top of the deals of the day, the occasional giveaway, and my classroom happenings, make sure you are following One Extra Degree on Facebook!  I update it daily!  :)

Today, I'm offering the following test prep goodies for 20% off!  The football themed test prep centers and tailgate could easily work as fall centers during football season too.   Click the image below to check out my entire store or click on each product to check them out!

As a special treat, you can snag a FREEBIE below that samples a few of the products!  :)  Help yourself to two free centers!

If you're in the market for even more deals... click the images below to shop around!  :)


  1. Good for you! Wear that sunscreen. I didn't and last fall I went in to have a small basal cell removed, and I ended up having the entire tip of my nose removed, and then having reconstructive surgery on my nose. All in one day. AWAKE!! Take care of your skin, you won't regret it. BTW, your DC trip looks great. I love all of the historical stuff.

    The 85 Mile Commute

  2. Love your photos! Wouldn't it be great if teachers all over the country took just a few pictures of local historical sites/landmarks and wrote a short grade-level caption to share with kids across the country? I know you can find pics all over the internet, but your 3 pics of Mt. Vernon make me feel like I was right there with you. I might just share them with my kids this year if it's okay with you!

  3. Nothing about teaching, but I wanted to share that I live in MD, about 30min outside of DC, and I have NEVER been to Mt. Vernon. (Well, my mom claims I was there as a baby, but I definitely don't remember it!) We currently have relatives visiting, and they went and visited yesterday! I couldn't go with them because I wasn't feeling well, but someday I'll make it there!

  4. Isn't Mt. Vernon just incredible? It's amazing to think of all the history!! I'm about 40 minutes west of Mt. Vernon... some years it's our field trip!
    Karen :o)
    Mrs. Stamp's Kindergarten
