Thursday, July 11, 2013

On the Fifth Day of Christmas...

Hello, hello!  I'm back with the deal of the day! I was a little worried that we would lose power and this blog post would be out of commission.  :)  I don't know how the weather has been where you are, but it was a little crazy in NE Ohio last night!  We had rain and storms on and off all day, and then we had a really powerful thunderstorm roll through last night that produced crazy winds and penny-sized hail.  Of course, hubs and I stood by the window watching until we got two separate tornado warning alerts and a flood warning alert.  We turned on the news, and I looked on  Sure enough, the tornado warning was issued specifically for our area of the city.  So, yeah.  We put on our big people pants and took the dogs into the basement... just in case.  We were lucky though.  Aside from really soppy wet grass, the really damaging winds skipped right over us. Whew!

Anyway, without further adieu, here's the deal!  If you want to make sure to stay on top of the deals of the day, the occasional giveaway, and my classroom happenings, make sure you are following One Extra Degree on Facebook!  I update it daily!  :) 

Today, I'm offering the following seasonal goodies for 20% off!  Click the image below to check out my entire store or click on each product to check them out!

As a special treat, you can snag a FREEBIE below that samples a few of the products!  :)

If you're in the market for even more deals... click the images below to shop around!  :)

1 comment:

  1. The rain was nuts yesterday!! We just had lots of thunderstorm warnings on the westside of Cleveland. But I swear I've never had so many alert for anything on my phone!! Glad everything was okay by you!
    Thanks for the freebie! And I'm loving the b2s centers.

    KS and her Kids
