Friday, June 28, 2013

Staying in the Loop with Blog Lovin'

If you haven't heard by now,  Google Reader is "retiring".  It's basically going away.  I follow A TON of blogs through Google Reader, and I definitely don't want to miss out on all of the great ideas out there in Blog Land.   Apparently, we need to make the switch to Blog Lovin' to stay in the loop!  {That's what I am hearing through the grape vine anyway!}  Fortunately, I have had an account with them for a while as a reader.  It's SO nice because I get a daily email with all of the new blog posts from the bazillions of blogs that I follow.  It helps me stay on top of things more effectively... and if I don't have time... well... there's always the delete button.  I can't do it all or read it all.  It's just nice to know that the email is delivered to my inbox every day if I do have the time and desire to catch up on a little reading!  

My sweet friend Anna Brantley shared this ridiculously cute button with me, and I am IN LOVE.  She seriously has so much talent!  And, the ever-adorable Cara Carroll has a good little explanation on Blog Lovin' HERE.  If you want to stay in the loop and stay informed about what's happening in my classroom, you can follow me on Blog Lovin' HERE.  Have a great evening, friends!  :)
Thanks, Anna!  I'm all about a super cute image :)


  1. Loving the button! Can anyone use it? This would look super cute on so many blogs!

  2. I loved that it imported all of my Google Friend Connect blogs that I follow--with a click of a button. I was freaking I'd have to hunt and follow all those blogs again!!!

    You Might Be a First Grader….

  3. Thanks for the info. I am going to have to look in to Blog Lovin. I am unsure what google reader is and how this will impact me. Love your blog and definitely want to make sure I am following!

    Sprinkle Teaching Magic
    First Impression and Unboxing of Erin Condren Teacher Planner

  4. Happy to be following on Bloglovin'!

    Fun in Room 4B
