Sunday, June 30, 2013

Checking a Little Bit of Random Off of the List!

Well, I have gotten side-tracked about a bazillion times, but my We Are Authors: Launching Writer's Workshop pack is finally complete.  :)  It is jam-packed full of  172 pages of writing goodies!

I have created five mini-lessons to jump-start Writer's Workshop, and lay the foundation!  All of the mini-lessons are designed to help students begin to see themselves as writers. The following books correspond with this unit.  :)  I have been using all of them for years, and I LOVE THEM!

Of course, I am not currently in the classroom to show action shots of my creations, but I hope the following snapshots will suffice until the first week of school.  :)  I am SURE that it will be here before we know it because, let me tell you, JUNE FLEW BY!  Honestly, what?!  Tomorrow is July?!  Total insanity, my friends!  So, anyway, here are a few pictures of what I have managed to print so far!  I'd love to hear what you think!  :)

I have made a few changes to these posters.  The genre is now blue... and the green glow shows up better on the final copy!

I created a few different sized labels for conferencing charts and gave a few different suggestions in the file. 

These are just a few of the anchor chart toppers included in the file.

What a hodgepodge of posters & materials.  :)  I'm loving the way they all turned out though.  I'm a proud mama! Ha! 

My conferring notebook! 

Another Look at the Conferring Binder!

Two of the Student Sheets!
Truly, I am very excited to be able to share this with all of you.  I completely, whole-heartedly believe in Writer's Workshop and the power it has to transform students' writing.  I also believe that students have to see themselves as authors, first and foremost, before they can unlock the magic without any reservations.  This unit will do just that, and I am just chomping at the bits.  I cannot wait to use it with my new kiddos in a little over a month.  Ahhhh!  (Actually, I can wait.  I think I'll enjoy my summer a little bit longer... I'm not prepared to wish it away just yet.  You get the point though! Ha}

Other than working on this unit periodically, I have been extremely busy preforming my duties as the mayor of Crazy Town.  :)  I cannot think of a time in my life when I had so many places to be and so little time, but it's been kind of fun.  I have managed to squeeze in a few extracurriculars...

... like dressing my puppy Stella in a costume that looks like our old dog K-Fed.  Ha!

This was K-Fed as a puppy.  I think the resemblance is uncanny, if I do say so myself.  

Other than that, I have been trying to get outside to keep up with our flowers.  I am totally in love with our hydrangeas right now.  This is a photo of one of the bushes.  So beautiful!

I have also indulged in thrifting a lot lately.  I used to LOVE shopping for hidden treasures, but teaching is so time-consuming, especially with blogging and everything that goes with it.  I just don't go like I used to.  Let me tell you though, I found some absolute treasures this week!  Check out the platters and teapot I scored for a total of $9.00!  Yes!!! It's sitting on our kitchen table right now as a very vintage... very eclectic centerpiece... and I am totally enamored by it. 

Due to my recent thrifting compulsions, we have also been able to finish our vintage industrial chic laundry room.  It seriously makes my heart go pitter pat.  I have been collecting pieces here and there... for two years.  This week, I was able to find this laundry cart on Craigslist!  It was converted into a stand, and I knew I had to have it.  I love how everything looks now... and I love it even more because it didn't break the bank.  I always love a great deal!!!

Since my thoughts have been flitting all over the place today... I feel that it's only appropriate to link up with my friend Michelle.  She's having a Sunday Smorgasboard linky party over at her blog...dedicated to all things random.  :)  I hope you all have a wonderful holiday with your families!


  1. Your writing pack looks amazing! Enjoy the rest of your summer!

  2. wow looks great! your unit and your laundry room! I found your post through Michelles linky! Can you by any chance explain how you got the pin it button over each image?
    Tales of a First Grade Teacher

  3. You have been busy! I love it. Thanks for linking sweet friend!

  4. I really like the idea of reading different books on what authors do. Ive been wanting to implement reading adn writing workshop in my classroom.

  5. I love writer's workshop!!!! I've done it for three years and every year it has been my kids' favorite part of the day and on the days we don't have it, some even whine. The first book I read when introducing it is Rocket Writes a Story by Tad Hills. I love the conferring binder. I have a conference form I copy on the back of the rubric but I like how you set it up.


  6. Very exciting pack for writer's workshop! I love it :)

    Teach on a Limb

  7. I love Writer's Workshop and think your packet looks amazing! I love hydrangeas too! I posted a picture today on what they look like at 107 degrees. So sad! Your blog is wonderful. I'm a new follower!

  8. I'm so excited! I love the preview of the Author's Unit! Thank you!

  9. This pack looks great! Writer's Workshop is my favorite time of the day!
    Two Friends In First

  10. Gardening and thrift stores and vintage...oh my! A girl after my own heart! I love thrifting and gardening, too. I'm so jealous you can grow hydrangeas! They're my favorite, especially the blue ones. I'm in Phoenix and it's just too hot and dry!

    Your Writer's Workshop pack looks wonderful!


  11. Your stuff always leaves me with my mouth hanging open and a little drool in the corner :) Seriously, girl. You have this LA stuff down to a science. Hugs!!

  12. I don't know how you do it, coming up with all these really great packets and then decorating your house in all kinds of cuteness! Anyway, the We Are Authors pack is in the cart and pinned. I can't wait to use it.

  13. I am a principal and your post made my Principal Stamp of Approval. I think it's great.
