Monday, August 12, 2013

Let's Talk About Me!

I'm joining my friends and co-contributors over at Blog Hoppin' for a little back to school party of sorts!  It's time for our annual Teacher Week!  Today is all about introductions, so if you're new here, allow me to introduce myself.  :)  I'm Amanda!  Hello, and welcome to my little slice of cyberspace.   I have shared a lot of stuff about myself in the past THREE years. {Holy canoli!}  If you want to read about the basics, you can check it out HERE!  This post is just a little more random than that!  Ha!

1.  I was a cheerleader for what feels like FOREVER... all the way through college!  Then I coached for three years before I started grad school and threw in the towel.  Sometimes I really miss it... and I find myself incorporating cheers into the classroom ALL of the time!  My favorite?!  A little ditty I learned at cheer camp in high school.  When I want my kiddos to transition back to their seats from groups or centers, I say, "Have a seat!  Take a load off your feet!"  As they immediately start moving, they reply, "Thank you!  Don't mind if I do!"  Just one way of keeping my past life alive and well!  :)

2.  In fact, I reconnected with my hubs when I went back to a Homecoming game for an alumni cheerleading function.  Pretty much the most transformational day of my life!  :)  He called me the next day, and we talked for HOURS.  The rest, I suppose, is history!

4. This is really no shocker, but I love my family and friends to pieces!  :)   And my playful pups!

3.   I used to be addicted to kareoke... at home and in public.  I LOVE to sing... and totally ham it up! This is a picture from a few years ago when I serenaded a friend for her birthday.  I was totally getting into Olivia Newton John's "Hopelessly Devoted to You"!  Obviously, right?!

5.  I am a BIG Browns fan! Usually, I look super sad during games, like the first picture.  Based on the first preseason game this year, I am hoping to look a little bit more like the second picture when I'm watching them play!  :)  Fingers crossed!  {The cutie patootie with me is my sister!}  As you can see in the third picture, the hubs is a Bills fan, but I think I'll still keep him.  The last picture is from the day I met Don Cockcroft... the kicker for the 1980 Kardiac Kids... when the Browns were on FIRE!   I MAY have acted like a SLIGHT groupie.  :) 

6.  I am super fair-skinned, but I am capable of getting a nice bronze tan.  I just choose not to in recent years after losing both of my grandmothers to melanoma.  I now embrace the paleness.

7.  I have contributed to the building/painting of a few homes, and event though I was WAY out of my comfort zone, it was a really great experience each time! 

8.  I can be QUIET the first time I meet people... but if we ever meet... don't be fooled.  Once I get comfortable, I am a HUGE nerd... and I just let it all out!

9.  I thought lasers were totally rad when I was a first grader!  Here's photographic evidence!

10.  Lastly, as you all know, I have two Goldens that I am obsessed with.  :)  I'm not much of a cat person... BUT... if I owned a cat... I would want a Dwight cat.

Well, if you are still reading, I applaud your ability to focus for so long at the beginning of a new school year.  :)  If you want to join in on the fun, make sure you link up at Blog Hoppin', and check back each day this week for more!


  1. Hahaha! I am loving that Dwight cat! And we need to sing karaoke together--you can be the singer and I'll be your back up--cause you know I can't sing! Ha! Love ya girl!

  2. I was a cheerleader too! Since I was 3 and all the way though college!

    Saddle Up For 2nd Grade

  3. Your wedding dancing pictures are by far my favorite thing!! Love it!!

    Surviving the Little People

  4. Girl, you need to sing for us the next time we get together. Hmmm... making plans RIGHT NOW! Love you!

  5. I love the Dwight cat! I just started signing Hopelessly Devoted in my head while reading the rest of this post! It was great reading more about you!
    Rambling About Reading

  6. I LOVED Learning more about you!! It's so cute that you bring a few cheers into your classroom - I bet your kiddos love that! Thanks for sharing with us :) Your laser school pictures makes me laugh! Who knew that was even a background option!?

    That's So Second Grade!

  7. I can not wait for football season to begin as well. Go Bills!!!
