Sunday, March 24, 2013

Zipping Down the Freebie Trail! :)

Sweet Brenda from Primary Inspired asked me to participate in a freebie extravaganza, so now I guess you could say I'm "zipping down the freebie trail"!  Today is the second day, so make sure to start from the beginning if you're a little late to the party.  You can start at the beginning of the trail by clicking on the following graphic!

If you already follow my blog, you are probably already aware of the fact that I am departmentalized.  I have been teaching language arts and social studies for the past two years, and although I LOVE it, I sometimes miss teaching math and science.  Since I haven't shared a math resource in a while, I thought, "Why not put together some math formative flaps for my followers and new guests?!"  So, my friends, that is exactly what I did.  :)   I created Formative Flaps: Social Studies Flap Books a while ago, and they have been a HUGE hit with my kiddos!  You just print them, fold them, and cut on the dotted lines to create the little flaps.  It's so simple, and the kids really love them.  Plus, I like that they are simple formative assessment tools... and can also be used for vocabulary instruction.  Win-win.   Click the graphic below to snag your freebie!

The next stop on this bunny hop is Sarah's First Grade Snippets.  Click on the teal bunny below to zip right along the bunny trail and pick up more goodies for your basket!


  1. Love this! Thanks! So happy you're hopping on this freebie trail!!

  2. Amanda,
    These Math Flaps are AWESOME and the kids will love them! You are so creative! Thanks so much for sharing with us,
    Ms. Marciniak's First Grade Critter Cafe

  3. Thank you so much for this great freebie! I can't wait to use it!

  4. Thank you for the freebie! Can't wait to use it!

  5. These flaps are awesome Amanda! Thank you for this freebie!
    Sarah's First Grade Snippets

  6. Thank you for this awesome freebie :)

    Fun in Room 4B

  7. These are superb! Thanks for sharing your talents with us! I'm a new fan after finding you via the "freebie trail." I'll be back for more of your great ideas!
    ♥Teaching Fabulous Firsties!♥

  8. Thanks for a "greater than" most post ;) Thanks for sharing!
    Wishing Sunny Daz 4 U.

  9. LOVE this! I love all of your creations!
    One question, is there any way that the ones, tens and hundreds flap book word order could be changed to: hundreds,tens and ones since that is the way a number would be seen? I know this is a freebie and I shouldn't be picky, but just a thought.

