Thursday, February 14, 2013

LOVING Valentine's Day Box Book Reports!

Oh my goodness!  I wish you could have been in my classroom to see all of the Valentine's Day boxes in person because they were just TOO CUTE!  I have almost sixty students, and if I am being honest, I wanted to share ALL of them with you.   Every single box.   However, that would use up a TON of bandwidth, and this post would easily become the longest blog post ever, so I decided to narrow it down.   Not that it was easy.  At all.  :)

Any-hoooooo!  This is a great way to take a non-academic tradition and give it a little ELA flair!   This project was a great way to get my kiddos to review story elements in a fun way too!  If you are interested in checking out this file for your own classroom, you can check it out HERE!  Happy Valentine's Day, friends! 


  1. These are some of the best boxes & ideas around! So super adorable!

    Amy Howbert
    Little Miss Organized

  2. So cute! We did boxes too! I love this day just to see the creativity come out of my kids. Thanks for sharing!

    YoungTeacherLove 5th Grade Blog

  3. Amazing! True works of art. Definitely on the homeschool to do list!!

  4. These boxes are the cutest things ever! What a great idea!

  5. These boxes are adorable! Thank you for sharing the photos with us. What a clever idea for older kids. Love it! ~Michelle

  6. These turned out great!! Love this idea :)

  7. We did these too. And they turned out great. best Valentine's Day ever.

  8. I love how you find fun ways to squeeze in just a little extra learning. Those are fantastic!

    Have a great weekend!

    Suntans and Lesson Plans

  9. I LOVE this idea!! What a great way to incorporate literature with Valentine's Day. . .I'm soooo pinning you. I'm hosting a linky for people to share their Valentine's Day pictures, I'd REALLY love for you to link up this post if you have time. Enjoy your long weekend.

    ✰ Stacy

    Simpson Superstars
