Monday, July 9, 2012

Sight Word Star Assessments & Documentation!

I posted about my Sight Word Vocabulary Star bundles a while ago, and a several ladies emailed/commented wondering how I planned to document student progress/growth.  Well, it took me a while to get around to finishing the assessment side of this project, but I am happy to announce that my Sight Words Assessment & Documentation Goodies are D-O-N-E & on SALE for 20% off!

This sight word assessment is based on the list of 1,200 high frequency/high utility words and covers 12 sets of words! It is color-coded, but it also is labeled near the bottom of each page (in case you want to run them in black and white).  As you can tell on this example, the bottom reads, "Lime: Set 1" for easy B&W copying!  Each color coordinates with my Sight Words Vocabulary Star games/flashcards, and the kids can use the words on the rings to read as you assess them. Simply go down each column to read along and highlight any incorrect responses. :) SIMPLE!

  You may opt to have your students copy their own set and keep the document in their data folders/portfolios, but students can also use the "Sight Word Star" certificate to keep track of the level they will be "putting in the spotlight"! :)   Just FYI... the file contains 24 pages for documentation purposes and one certificate!
I plan on using this file with my Sight Word Vocabulary Star files once I get them laminated and on rings! I will have the kiddos use the flash cards while I chug along on the assessment sheet.  (More specific details on how I plan to implement the assessment and the research behind this list are included in the file.)  If you're interested in purchasing the Vocabulary Star files, you can check out The First 600 Words and The Last 600 Words... OR you can purchase each level individually in my little shop!

In other news, we just got back from a little trip to Southern Maryland and D.C. to visit the hubs family.  :)  We went to a Nationals game... and they won!

We went bike riding on a bike trail in DC on another day... and ate at Marvin!  It's a fabulous restaurant in the city. My hub's brother is a chef there!  We also went out for a little bit of crab on the Potomac!  I'm a little squeamish when it comes to shucking the blue crabs, but I love Cream of Crab soup!  Get in my belly!!! :)

 It's always a good time... but seriously... WE NEED RAIN... something fierce back in Ohio!  When we left, our yard looked essentially like this, because I have been obsessively watering plants every single day all summer.

Yes, I know, the grass is still dying in this picture, but we have had like three days of light rain in two months, and this is how it looked before we gave up on watering it. Note the line of pine trees and the dogwood in the corner.  We literally planted fourteen trees this spring... and a few bushes.  We picked the WRONG year to do this, because we have to work EXTRA hard to keep the root system growing.  I can't even focus on school stuff, because I'm constantly in and out moving around our sprinkler to different trees/plants.  I won't even get into how we have 2.5 acres of dead grass now.  (We moved out of the city... where we had a TINY yard... and into the suburbs where our yard is quickly turning into something pretty reminiscent of the Sahara.)  Crazy town!

Anyway, this is what our plants looked like before...

This is what our scorched yard and wilting flowers look like now...

I'm going to try to pump out a few units/resources this week, but we'll see how that goes.  If you don't hear from me in a while... I'll be doing this! Bahahahaha!  Have a great evening, friends!  Stay cool!


  1. This looks awesome! I just added it to my wishlist. I hope you get that much needed rain soon!
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

    1. Thanks, Lisa! Hope it works well for you! (I'm still crossing my fingers for rain... and starting to consider a rain dance!)

  2. Your work looks great, just like all the things you create Amanda! It's all always so eye-catching :) I'm crossing my fingers for rain for you!

    1. Thanks, Kristen! I just used your tutorial for embedded comments, and I am so excited to be able to respond to comments! Thanks for always being so techie and helpful! :)

  3. The sight word packet looks great! And don't worry about your lawn, mine looks verrrrry similar here in upstate NY!

    I'm hosting a link party today and would love if you would stop by. We're talking about favorite iPad/iPod apps in the classroom! Polka Dots and Teaching Tots

    1. Thanks! I'll definitely check out your blog! :)

  4. We are your newest blog followers and we love your sight word pack! Check us out at:

    Jayme and Val

    1. Thank you! I'll make sure to swing by and say hello! :)

  5. I just saw this this pack! Too cute.

    That's so funny that you were in Southern Maryland. My parents live in La Plata. How fun! Hope you had a great time. :)


    1. Thanks, Lyndsey! My hubs' family lives in Waldorf! SMALL WORLD!!!

  6. I dropped by to check out your blog and I am nominating you for the Versatile Blogger award! I love your blog….thanks for sharing it with us! Drop by my blog to pick up your award and get the rules….:) ~Vicky

  7. Yep, our lawn looks just like that. So do the flowers. We were in Baltimore and Delaware in early June. I enjoy the New England area, but I'm not a seafood lover!
