Monday, July 2, 2012

Dictionary Dig & The 'Saurus: Excavating Wonderful Words!

Confession:  I've always been secretly jealous of kindergarten and first grade teachers.  Second grade teachers too.  I always envied the cute themed lessons, and I always thought, "It stinks that we can't do that in third grade because of x, y, z..."  Well, luckily my delusions have worn off, and after spending a few years in third grade, I finally realize that YOU CAN do cute themes!  You just have to be really creative about it, because there's so much to teach in the curriculum and we have to be held accountable for high-stakes state tests.  STATE TESTS, by the way, ARE NOT AN EXCUSE.  :)  I'm saying that with all of the LOVE in my heart, friends.  State tests are necessary, but they should NOT dictate what we do in our classrooms to the point where we are not doing engaging, hands-on, exciting, kid-friendly lessons.  There are ways to have your proverbial cake and eat it too.  I promise.  :)  It takes a little wiggling, and a little coloring outside of the lines, but you can do it!  It's time to go all "Howard and the Purple Crayon" on our lesson plans....

Last school-year, I found a way to integrate pirates with map skills, and the kids ate it up with a spoon!  Seriously, they LOVED it.  This year, I cannot wait to launch my Dictionary Dig & The 'Saurus goodies!  Who says  you can't do a dinosaur theme in third grade?!  Get out of town!  I'M SO DOING IT!  :) I couldn't wait to share this... so I spent the whole day on the carpet and running around to Target, the Dollar Tree, and Pat Catans!!! 

I am so excited to share a few activities with you all!  The first activity in this bundle is the dictionary dig.  You use the word strips and journal in the bundle to have your young excavators uncover words.  I filled a tray from Target with 6 lb. of sand... rocks... WORD STRIPS, and various tiny dinosaurs.  While I was at Target, I also picked up three sand tools for my little paleontologists-- a shovel, a rake, and a sifter.  Each tool was 99 cents... and super cute... so I consider that a STEAL!

The bundle also includes a few alphabetizing centers.  They integrate a few Social Studies and Science concepts into the mix.  I'm on a tad of an economics kick at the moment since we start the year with that theme in Reading Street, and since I just finished my Lemonade Economics bundle over the weekend.  This picture shows one set of words.  You could choose to do as many or as few as you want.  The other topics include communities, America, magnets, and weather as you can see.  I tried to stick to one word terms, and I tried to match them with the clip art that I have.  I realize that they are not all-encompassing, but because the idea is to alphabetize them (not teach the terms), I hope you can forgive me.  Pretty please?

These little containers are from the Dollar Tree.  I scooped up a set of foam dinosaur stickers to create "dinosaur eggs".  Use your imaaaaaagination.  :)  The eggs can be filled with terms using a template in the file, and students can look up synonyms/antonyms for terms to grow their vocabularies. 

Another activity you can do with your kiddos is the "Guide Word Shuffle".  Open up to a page in a thesaurus, and have your students record the guide words on the recording sheet in the appropriate squares.  Ask them to highlight the words.  You can have your kiddos number the guide words or list the page number as an option.  Assign terms from that page for your students to write down on their cards, or write them ahead of time before you make the master copy if you're worried about spelling errors.  :)  Either way, once your students write the words/receive the words from you, have them cut the cards apart and arrange them in alphabetical order.  This is a great way to see the guide words in a real, tangible thesaurus and see how the words on the page fit between them, but it also helps bridge the gap with a tangible experience.  (You know I love concrete models and experiences!) Students should close their thesauruses when they are alphabetizing, but they can reopen it to check their work afterward!  I have included an alphabet line in the bundle since alphabetizing to can become more challenging when working with guide words.

This post is really just a scoop full of sand.  There are more activities and printables included in the bundle, so if you're interested, you can check out the Dictionary Dig & The 'Saurus HERE!  :)  The best news, of course, is that you can pick up the file for 20% off through tomorrow night! 


  1. You are so so so creative! Wow! I know my kids will love working with this :) Thanks!

    3rd Grade Thoughts

    1. Thanks, Stephanie! I hope they enjoy it! :)

  2. Oh my gosh, how creative!!! This looks amazing!! :)

    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  3. I know someone else already beat me to it, but I would love to nominate you for The Versatile Blogger Award. :) I love reading all your posts and seeing your new products!

    I Want to be a Super Teacher

    1. Thank you so much, Katie! Your blog is adorable! :)

  4. And I thought I could do without those sand toys... you've changed my mind!

    LOVE your creative ideas. You're wonderful! :)

    Luckeyfrog's Lilypad

    1. That happens to me a lot with blogging. I pass something by... and two days later... it pops up on a blog or Pinterest! Ha! :) Thank you so much for your kind words! It means a lot!

  5. So LOVE your ideas!! This is on my wish list!

    I'm awarding you the "One Lovely Blog Award"! Check out my blog to claim your award! :)

    Organized Teaching Addict

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks, Teri! I am so excited to "dig in"! Hahahahaha! Lame?!

  7. I loved the Harold and the Purple Crayon reference!!! :-)

    Psyched to be in 2nd!

    1. Welcome to my brain. :) It's a dangerous place!

  8. I love this idea!! So fantastic!

    I awarded you the versatile blogger award here! :)

  9. What a cute bundle of fun! My firsties would love to dig for words! Very creative!


  10. I am moving up to 3rd grade math and science from 4 years of 1st grade and I am so sad to leave behind all my "first grade" activities! This gave me hope that 3rd grade can be just as much fun!!! Can't wait to see if/what fun math or science activities you think of!

    1. It's so nice to read messages like this. Blogging takes up a lot of time, but it's nice to know that sharing my resources benefits other people. That's what makes all of the time involved in sharing worth it! :) Good luck in third grade! I just LOVE it! I hope you will too!

  11. oops forgot to leave my name!
    Justi Tunnell

  12. You have such an uplifting and positive spirit! Go you! Your unit looks amazing as usual. I am going to start using... "don't make me go all Howard and the Purple Crayon all over our lesson plans and curriculum maps!" at my grade level meetings when I truly feel the kids are getting stale curriculum.

    Amen sister!

    Sprinkle Teaching Magic

    1. Hahahahaha! Thanks, Sheila! If you try that, let me know how it works out for you! :)

  13. I love this, Amanda! It's perfect for my second graders and the name is oh-so-stinkin'-cute! Already have it in my wishlist!
    Your blog and units are amazing, as always! In case you can't tell, I'm a huge fan!

  14. This is so adorable and creative. I'm fortunate to teach first, so I get to deck my room out with cartooney (yes, it's a word) ideas everywhere! I will definitely be adding this to my mix! Thanks for continuing to create such attractive, skills based products!

    Best wishes,

    Oh, and PLEASE stop on by my new blog and tell me what you think. Any feedback would honestly be appreciated!!

    1. Thanks, Rebecca! I hope your kiddos enjoy the activities! I will swing by your blog soon! :)

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I love that you call it a 'saurus, too!! I giggle everytime I call it a Thesaurus, because I think it would be so much more fun if it was actually a book about dinos with the title "The Sauruses!" hehehe...

  17. This is such a creative unit! I love it! I definitely need to be finding fun activities like this to practice alphabetical order and dictionary use!

    I have nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award! Head over to my page to check it out!


  18. I'm moving to 6th grade, so I won't be able to use as many as your darling ideas! :( I gave you an award; check out my blog to see what it is! :)

  19. So cute!
    This may be a stupid question, but do you buy your clip art from somewhere or do you draw all those images yourself? I would love to add some cute kids to some of my worksheets, but have no idea where to buy clip art or the program to make it in. Illustrator?

    1. Hi! I don't make my own clip art. I wish I had the time and talent for that, but I don't. :) I purchase my clip art. If you click on the Scrappin' Doodles link on my sidebar, it will take you to the site I usually use, but there's a ton on Etsy, My Grafico, Jessica Weible Illustrations, Lettering Delights, etc.

  20. You are so creative!!! I am giving you the One Lovely Blog award. Stop by to claim it!

    A Passion For Primary

  21. This is such a great idea! I can't wait to use it in my classroom. I also nominated you for an award. Go to my new blog to check in out :)

    1. Thanks for thinking of me! :) I hope your kiddos enjoy the activities!

  22. Thanks, Amber! Your blog is DARLING!!!
