Wednesday, July 18, 2012

ELA Common Core Focus Wall for Third Grade

I'm going to start out by saying, "I am so sorry!"  I am trying to get a TON of projects done this summer so that I can actually enjoy free time with my husband and have a life outside of teaching.  :)  Since I can't get into my classroom until August 1st, I am busy creating items on my massive To-Do List on my computer.  I really don't mean to slap you all in the face with my creations every time you check in with me, so please accept my sincerest apologies.  I wish I could say that you won't have to see any of my projects for a while, but I am not the lying type.  :)  I am still trying to pump out a few more things before I start working on my classrooms.  I am not trying to treat my blog like it's the Home Shopping Network, I just want to share in case any of my files can benefit someone else.

Anyway, now that I've gotten that off of my chest, I do want to let you know that I created an ELA Common Core correlated Focus Wall for third grade.  It took me forever!!!   Last year, I tried to use a Focus Wall for the first time, and I'm still in the process of refining it and adding to it.  I figured that it would make the most sense if I matched it up with the new standards, because I don't want to have to redo it again.  :)  Basically ever.  Ha!  All of the standards are written as I-Can statements, and a few standards have been broken into more than one to make them easier to display and use with kiddos.  The standards are typed in a corner on each card too, and I've also tried to include some additional support for my students in the form of examples or clarifying statements.  Okay, and because I am a little on the OCD side, everything is color-coded.   :)  I am so excited to use this!  In fact, I am really excited to pull in sweet Ginger's Common Core ELA Vocabulary Cards.  They look so cute and fabulous, and I am a big fan of anything that saves me time and energy!  Yay!

This 86 page file is on sale through tomorrow for 20% off! Here's a little sneak peek:

In other news, if you're interested in jumping into the Daily 5 this year, you'll definitely want to check out my friends over at What the Teacher Wants!  Rachelle is sharing LOTS of ideas from her own classroom and others... and there's FREEBIES involved.  Click the picture below to check it out!

You'll also want to check out my girl Michelle's Creative Teaching Press giveaway if you teach the little ones!  You can win a HUGE set of Dr. Jean songs!    Head on over... and play to win!  :)


  1. Those common core standards are so cute and functional! When I teach third grade next year (and my school switches to common core) I will be picking these up.
    Adventures in Room 5

    1. Thanks, Cassandra! :) I appreciate your kind words!

  2. Ooohhh these look terrific! Don't apologize for creating and providing quality for teachers like me. keep them coming! With a little one to chase after, I don't have a whole lot of time to create the materials you so willingly provide. I love them all. Thank you, Amanda!

    1. Thanks, Eileen! :) You are always so supportive! I just feel bad sometimes, because I read comments online sometimes that bash bloggers for always blogging about their products, and I don't want to drive people away because I'm making so much stuff this summer! :) Ha! I just don't have a lot of other stuff to share yet since I haven't been in my classroom. I am currently living vicariously through everyone else!

  3. love these - would love to see some first grade ones.

    1. Thank you! If I can find the time before school starts and I finish a few projects that I need to have done first, I will try to add a first grade version. :)

  4. We're in the same boat!! I can't get into my classroom for another couple of weeks and it's driving me CRAZY!! My bedroom looks like a teacher supply store with my recent purchases scattered everywhere! Plus I've also been working on creating units I can use next year. I like how you said you were just putting things out there in case someone else may benefit from them. Well said! And now I don't feel so bad for blogging about all my recent work! hehe Oh, and your focus wall headers look AMAZING! I can't even imagine how long you spent working on that!


    First Grade Fascination

    1. We certainly are in the same boat! :) My study looks the same way... except it's all paperwork and projects. I still haven't gone school shopping. Can you believe that?! Thanks for your kind words!

  5. I also bought Ginger's ELA Common Core Vocab (and I bought her Math one too). Soooooooo, since I'm going to have to buy your matching I Can statements for ELA, are you going to make a set for Math too?

    1. Maybe. :) That's the most honest answer I can give. I have so many projects I need to get done for my own class, and I'd love to be able to create this to help other people out, but it's probably going to be a while IF I do. Since I don't teach math, it's harder to get motivated to do something I'm not using, but if I have time, I definitely will.

  6. Oh, I would love a set of second grade ones! Although, after seeing these, I went to check the second grade Common Core Standards and they are not too different from the third grade ones.

    1. I have a few more things I want to create for my kiddos before school starts. If I have any free time, I may create a set for second grade. I'll keep you posted.

  7. Amanda, I am so appreciative of your quality items and for blogging about them. You are always so honest and I never think that your posts are an infomercial. :-) I thank you for your willingness to share your expertise with others. I admire your desire to spend more time with your family/husband. I would love to get more items created, but right now my 3 boys and husband are my priority. :-) Lauren
    Teacher Mom of 3

    1. Thank you so much, Lauren! It's nice to know that I'm not annoying everyone! :) Enjoy your time with the men in your life!

  8. AAAA MMM AAAA zing! Any ideas about where these were created for 4th grade? I understand the new common core when it is laid out like this! Your blog is NOT a is full of exceptional ideas and resources. You are hard on yourself. Don't be...rock on! :)

    1. Thanks, Jenny! You are the sweetest! I don't know if there's anything exactly like this for fourth grade, but because you are my co-worker, I will try to put this near the top of my project list. I'll try to get it done for you before school starts, but at least by September. :) Thanks for being so encouraging!

  9. I love your design! I am so bummed that I already bought another set, printed in color and laminated:( I love your style and so want YOURS!! I love your stuff and you save me so much time since I teach Reading Street and use Daily 5 as well. You could never slap us with too much of the cute stuff you create!!!

  10. Aww, thanks! I really appreciate your sweet comment! :) It's nice to know I'm not slapping you in the face!

  11. Amanda,
    I would love, love, love if you did this for fourth grade, or allowed someone to create something similar. I LOVE how you used thinking stems with the I Can Statements, so great! I love anytime you post, because of the unique perspective you bring to education, regardless about whether if it's for a paid product or just simply sharing an idea.
    Fourth and Ten
    Like Fourth and Ten on Facebook!
    Formerly Stories From Second

    1. Lisa, you are too sweet! Thank you sooooo much. :) I did add fourth grade ELA statements. I am slowly working on third grade math in between getting ready for school, and I plan to do a math wall later too. Just wanted to let you know. I will be regularly stalking your blog and store for ideas!

  12. I love how these have the CC heading with its letter and #, the statement, AND an example at the bottom (plus the cute design of course)!! Pleasey please...would love one for 2nd grade if you find time. Thanks for all of your wonderful ideas and high-quality products!!

    1. Thanks, Cynthia! :) I DO plan on creating second grade sets, but I don't have a set timeline. This project takes forever to complete. :) I will try to tackle it as soon as I can fit it in. Thanks for your kind words...
