Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Math Munchers, Force Fields, and Robots! Oh my!

I had posted my Math Munchers game on my blog and TpT a while ago, but I wanted to post a few action shots!  Of course, my third graders are working on multiplication, but the addition game works essentially the same.  I realize that my heart-covered tablecloth makes it a little difficult to see... but you'll get the gist of it.  Basically, the kids work with partners and draw two cards from the deck.  They multiply them together and make arrays for their product.  Then, they decide which product is larger together and use the Math Muncher to compare values.  The kid with the largest number gets all of the cards, then they draw again.  The kid with the most cards at the end of the game wins.  :)  It's so fun, and the great thing is that it can be used for addition by switching out the directions for the other sheet in the packet.  Nothing else really changes.  Instead of making an array, you just have them use the pom poms to add and find their sum.  Everything else works in the same way, so it's easy to adapt for kids who need practice with either skill. 

Math Munchers in Progress...

7 x 2 array with pom poms

Another array...

The Math Muncher always wants to eat the largest number!

Also, here's a peak of the Simple Machines picture sort from my Inventors bundle. 

We discussed how problems fuel inventions.  We discussed why we think silverware and chairs were invented, as well as many other "common" objects.  We discussed how we are still faced with problems that are currently unanswered.  The kids chose one of five problems to brainstorm solutions for and then toy around with solutions for these problems. The task cards are also included in the Inventions bundle.  Unfortunately, the teal construction paper didn't photograph really well.  I just wasn't at the top of my game today with photography! Sorry ladies! :)  Beyond that, their posters are unfinished, so we will be working with them again tomorrow to wrap this lesson up!  You can click on any of the pictures for a closer look...

This group is working on a force field to help the military protect U.S. citizens.
 I'd like to introduce you to K.C, the "Helping Hand Robot".   Here's a little advertisement for this hardworking gizmo by my little sweeties... just in case you can't read the print on the page.  "This is a helping hand robot.  We all named it K.C. There is a remote that says on and off, so you do not have to listen to it all day.  You should buy the fun Helping Hand Robot, because he/she can do anything like (it is allowed to get wet) washing your car, dishes, take out the trash, even your dogs doo doo, and anything else you can think of."  Oh third graders... they certainly have a way with words.
This group created a robot to take out the trash and do other household chores.


  1. I love how the math munchers is customizable depending on the grade - I could see using that with 1st graders easily! Great idea!

  2. This is super cute! Thank you for sharing :)
    The Techie Teacher

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