Thursday, February 24, 2011

"Ice Cream" Math Manipulatives!

I have a few kids that really rely on manipulatives to do division and multiplication, but I think that this idea could easily be adapted for all of you K-1st grade teachers!  You could very easily use it for addition and subtraction with a few minor tweaks.

I found these adorable ice cream cones and scoops at The Dollar Tree a while ago.  Like months ago.  Of course, being an elementary teacher, I snatched them up.  I knew I'd think of something sooner or later.  Well, it wasn't sooner.  It was definitely later, but an idea finally hit me.  Division.  Some of my little peanuts still struggle with it... and multiplication too.  If you come across something similar at your nearest Dollar Paradise, you may want to pick up a few sets of these beauties, because you can use pom poms to work with "ice cream" and solve math facts.  I love this manipulative, and it really makes me UBER excited for summer. Unfortunately, we have ANOTHER Winter Weather Advisory tonight.  Bah humbug!

I'm pretty sure this bag used to hold valances... now it holds "ice cream".  The Lorax would be so proud of me...
Lastly, I have to show you my "Prediction Box".  Abby from The Inspired Apple... gasp!...  inspired me to spruce up my existing box.  I already had a bright pink label on it, and I already LOVED the pattern on my box, but I totally fell head over feet for her cute labels.  I bought the kit on TpT, and I am a seriously happy camper.  Highly recommended!  The first picture was taken sometime last fall...  BEFORE the makeover transformation!  The rest are of the revised box!  It's definitely an improvement!


  1. I LOVE THE PREDICTION BOX! I have never seen this before. I am definitely going to find a use for this at my pre-school circle time! Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. Thanks Cat! The printables for the Prediction Box can actually be found here (, if you're interested in these exact files. I bought them off of Teachers Pay Teachers. You can certainly do it without the file, like I did originally, but the clip art definitely was an improvement! Cute blog!

  3. I love your box. It is so cute. I ran out to Target and bought a whole bunch up after I saw hers and bought the activity. Your box is adorable though.

  4. I was lucky. I did not think I would get them. They all different ones. Ones with hearts, the plain ones, red ones. I bought extra so if you want any I can send you some. Just let me know.

  5. I love love love the ice cream math!!!!!!!!
