Sunday, November 2, 2014

Back in the Saddle Again and Brushing Up on Sentences!

Hey, strangers!  It's been a while since I have written here.  You've probably wondered if I've fallen off of the face of the earth...or you may have forgotten that this blog (and blogger) even still existed.  I have been neglectful... and very absent...for a very long time.  The first nine-weeks has come and gone.  I managed to blog, what?  Maybe twice?  Three times?  Wowza.

Well, I am back! I'm back to share where I have been.  No, I have not been hiding under a rock.  No, I did not hibernate...although it felt like it at times.  Mr. Wonderful and I are expecting!  It's super exciting and super exhausting at the same time.  Let me just say this...the first trimester was not kind to me.  At all.  I am one of the "lucky ones" that has dealt with extreme morning sickness and exhaustion every single stinkin' day... except about 9 weeks...but who's even counting?!  Ha!  I'm still waiting for that magic moment in this second trimester when I will feel like a normally functioning human being again, but in the meantime, I have been trying to hold down the fort in my classroom and give my 59 students the very best of me.  Then I go home, and I crash on the couch by about 7:00...or 8:00 if I am feeling particularly energetic.  Moms of the world, I already have so much more respect for you.  Truly.  You are superheroes. :)

So, with all of that said, not surprisingly, I had to take a deliberate break from social media for a bit.  I just couldn't keep up with my own classroom demands, keep up with this blog and TpT, keep up with my other responsibilities, and still function.  I basically power-off after school, and I've had to be content with that.  Even though I got restless at times, and even though I felt frustrated every now and then, I realized that this is the time to take care of myself... and my little growing bean.  I reminded myself that everything else would still be there after I woke up from my 100 year slumber like Rip Van Winkle.  Luckily, I didn't sleep QUITE that long (although I have been known to sleep for 11-12 hours a night these days which I think is an equally remarkable feat). Luckily, I was right.  This blog is still here...right where I left it.  So, consider this my first attempt to get back into a blogging groove.  It feels good to be back! 

It also feels good to say that I finished a new product that I started in September!  I needed resources to review sentences with my kiddos, and this is SURE to make them SMILE a big TOOTHY grin while they review sentence skills with friends! Brushing Up on Sentences is posted... and it's one of my favorite creations to date!  I can't wait to (hopefully) snap a few action shots this week to share with all of my long-lost blog friends! 

Furthermore, I am happy to share that I am putting this resource on sale for 50% for the first 24 hours!  It will be on sale until Monday, November 3rd at 7:00 PM EST.  I hope that, if you feel this resource would benefit your students, you can also benefit from pennies saved.  :)   If you want to see a better preview of this resource, be sure to check out the preview file in my shop! Have a happy evening!


  1. Your new packet looks awesome. Have a great week!

    A Very Curious Class

  2. Great that your back - it will get better, keep the faith! Great looking sentence packet!
    ~Paul Anton
    Promoting Success Blog

  3. Congratulations to you and your husband! Here's hoping to a healthy, happy addition to your little family!

  4. Awesome news!!! Congrats to you and your husband :-) and welcome back!

  5. Congratulations! How exciting for you and your family!!

  6. Congratulations to you and your family! That is so incredibly exciting :)


  7. Hooray!! Your news is so exciting - congrats! Your new packet looks too stinkin' adorable and practical.
