Sunday, July 20, 2014

Vegas Teacher Blogger Meet Up!

Oh my goodness, I cannot even adequately express how honored I am that I got to be a part of the Vegas Teacher Blogger Meet Up!  My friends have organized it for the past three years, but this was my first year as an "event planner" so to speak.  It was so much fun working together to accumulate tons of fun prizes, but it was SO much more fun meeting everyone in attendance.  It honestly blew me away to see a room so stuffed with passionate educators.  I seriously get a little teary eyed when I think about teachers giving up their precious summer vacations to network and attend conferences to keep growing and adding to their proverbial tool belts.  It made me all goose-bumpy being in a room FULL of people just like that.  For real. It's such a neat experience when you can literally FEEL the energy that permeates through the space.  I'm an emotional girl... if you couldn't already tell.  ;)

In all seriousness, I am so glad that I was working by the door passing out raffle tickets because it was a packed house!  I actually got to meet people as they shuffled in through the door, and although I was slightly concerned that I would lose my voice before presenting the next day, and although I did feel a little bit like a broken record, it was all 100% worth it.  I had SO much fun chatting with everyone and putting faces with names and blogs.  Thanks for coming, friends!  I am already looking forward to next year!

We took over 200 pictures of the event and there's no way to showcase them all, but here are a few snapshots of the night.

It was so fun getting to meet some of our online bloggy friends for the very first time! Plus, we got to meet so many teachers from all over the country - we even had teachers from across the world!!
(Shout out to our friends from Spain and Australia!)

*To see more pictures from the meet up, visit the 

Here are the wonderful ladies who made this meet up possible and helped us line up such amazing sponsors.

(Not pictured: Kathleen Pedersen)

Besides meeting such amazing bloggers and teachers, the best part of the meet up was all of the amazing prizes that were donated from our sponsors! 

Here are all of our generous friends who offered prizes for our meet up:


Thank you to everyone who came to this event! We appreciate everyone who was able to come and mingle with us. We're already thinking about next year's meet up, so start saving your money for next year's Vegas meet up!!

Feeling sad that you couldn't join us this you? Wishing you could win some of these fabulous surprises? 

Well... as a special treat, we are giving away two Erin Condren gift cards!! Enter the Rafflecopter below for your chance to win!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thanks for sharing all of the pics! Looks like you all had a blast. I hope I can go next year!! Those Scentos markers look A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!

    The Techie Teacher

  2. All the giveaways look amazing. I hope I can make it next year!

  3. This was my fifth year attending the I Teach K! conference in Vegas; however this was my first time going to the teacher blogger meet up...I had a blast! I can't wait till next should definitely go if you are able to!!!!

  4. LOVED the conference and meet-up! Wish I had won one of those TPT gift cards!

  5. It looks like y'all had so much fun!! I wish I would've won the Teiks!!

    A Tall Drink of Water

  6. I am super jealous of all your fun! I would have loved one of the boogie boards, I think they look great!


  7. I have really loved reading everyones posts about how much fun they had and how inspired they've become. Wish I could've been there! I would've loved to win books from Kaeden. They were one of my "go to" sets of books when I taught Reading Recovery, especially Sammy books! I was reading about that flash-drive full of TPT donated products and that would've been my #1 pick!


  8. I would have loved to win any of the prizes, they're all amazing!! The kiddo cubes would be a great addition to my classroom! I'm so hoping to be able to attend next year!!

    Simply Delightful in Second Grade

  9. I wish I had been able to attend the I Teach K or TPT Conference! Gahhhh!! Hopefully next year! I would have LOVED to have won the sign from Linen & Lace! It is just adorable!! The kiddo cubes are pretty cool, too!!

    So glad to see so many pictures! Looks like you had tons of fun! :)

    Show Laces & Sweet Faces

  10. It looks like everyone had an amazing time......I would have loved to have won the teacher plaque from Linen & Lace - that was beautiful!

  11. Looks like a great event...would wish for one of those TpT gift cards! :)

  12. Any prize would have been great!

  13. They all look amazing but I have been drooling over C Jayne Teach!!!

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