Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Christmas in July and VEGAS!

So, I don't really know where to start.  I have a feeling this could get really lengthy though.  I just got home a few days ago after the most amazing trip to Vegas.  I had the wonderful opportunity to present three sessions for SDE at their National  I Teach 1st Conference and twice for TpT's Seller Conference.  First of all, it's incredible to me that I am even being asked to present at events of that magnitude.  I was a pretty bashful little girl who would hide behind my mom's leg whenever she talked to someone I didn't know.  I was that girl that was nervous about raising my hand in class.  My mom called me "Motormouth" at home, but I was as quiet as a breeze in social situations until a few years after I entered elementary school.  Then, you couldn't shut me up.  Ha!  Nevertheless, as chatty as I was, I still got really anxious about presentations and speeches.  I even remember being nervous in speech class in college!  College, people!  I was a social butterfly who was afraid to give a speech!  How is that even possible?! It's a conundrum for sure.

Ya know, about five years ago,  I was asked to present locally for the first time, and I just about tossed some cookies.  I didn't, fortunately. (Sorry for the visual though!)   I gave my presentation on writing instruction, and then I cried.  I literally cried out of sheer relief.  At the time, I was so thankful and so worried about more experienced teachers judging me.  I worried a lot about that for a while, year after year, even when I would get great feedback.  I always assumed the worst, and I thought people were looking at me saying, "Who does she think she is?!  How can she teach me anything about teaching?"  Maybe it was because I had heard people say things like that about other presenters.  Maybe it was my own insecurities.  Maybe it was both.  Regardless, it wasn't until I started blogging that I really started to feel comfortable in my own teaching skin.  That's when I started to feel like I DID know what was best for my kids and that I did have something to contribute.  Without blogging and without all of you, I don't know that I would have the courage to present at large conferences.  In fact, quite honestly, I would have never had the opportunity this early in my career (entering year number nine).  I cannot say thank you enough for helping me to grow in confidence, grow professionally, and have a chance to accomplish something that I used to think was merely a lofty goal that I MIGHT achieve towards the end of my career...if I got really lucky.  I honestly owe you all so much for supporting me along the way and helping make one of my teaching dreams come true.  I LOVE presenting, and I LOVE meeting the people who give up their time to learn new classroom strategies.  You are my kind of people.  You are my tribe! :)

Presenters at the TpT Supercharge Seller Success Conference! Good People!  Plus Paul Edelman, the founder, and staff!
Clearly, we were enjoying ourselves. Can you tell?!
I got to reconnect with Brenda in one of my sessions... while sporting crazy hair.  So much for the low humidity!
I had the pleasure of presenting with Jenn Kelley from TpT about Copyrights and Copywrongs!

I also took a selfie with Paul during a session.  This man has transformed my life in unfathomable ways.
 Part of my trip was definitely WORK, but seriously the PLAY was the best part!  I got to reconnect with old friends, make new friends, and spend time networking with hundreds and hundreds of teachers who share my passion for teaching.  The energy, particularly at the TpT conference, was almost tangible.  You could feel it pulsing through the room, and everyone was SO happy.  I just wanted to freeze time just for a little bit.  Just long enough to really savor it.  Of course, so far, nobody has invented a pause button, so it went by way too fast.  I am already looking forward to going back next summer, and I would encourage you to think about attending too if you are a seller or are thinking about setting up shop.  Believe me when I say that the community we have built is the best part of TpT.  The camaraderie and friendship is what makes my heart so full after that trip.  We care about each other, we care about our online community, and we care about our customers.  It was basically a giant love fest.  :)  I hope you can join in on the fun next year!  Start saving those pennies, friends!  In the meantime, here are a few highlights of my trip.  I took a TON of photos, and some of them are on my Instagram account, but I am going to try to keep it simple for the sake of your time and the length of this post.  :)

The first set of photographs are from our Blogger Meet Up!  It was so much fun being able to meet and mingle.  It was also fun being able to see everyone walk away with swag bags and prizes.  Thanks to everyone who donated to help make this event a success! We appreciate YOU!

This second set of photos is a hodgepodge of pictures from throughout the week.  I came home with lots of them, but somehow I still didn't manage to snap enough.  I didn't manage to get pictures with some of my intermediate friends that I met up with.  I had a major migraine, and I almost didn't make it to dinner, but I stopped by, too briefly.  (I left my meds at home, and I had to present the next day.  Whomp, whomp.)  Nevertheless, I met so many talented, sweet people.  So many that I could spend all day writing this post about each individual person. Blogging and TpT has blown my mind.

Tons of bloggers at the GoNoodle Champy Hour event.  Do you recognize any familiar faces?!
I had so much fun chatting with these lovely ladies!
We participated in the Blog Hoppin' Scavenger Hunt.  Check out the volcano!

Another Scavenger Hunt Find... ELVIS... alive and well.

Molly from Lessons with Laughter. She is a DOLL..

Blurry, but, this is my only photo with Ashleigh Swinford from Ashleigh's Education Journey.  Loved her too!

I found time to meet up with my "neighbor" and friend... Christina from Sugar & Spice!
Joey Udivich from Create, Teach, and Share!  Friends, she is so sweet and darling!
Amy Lemons and I.  She is the real deal.  Love her and her friendship.

Dinner with sweet friends on Monday.  :)

Another dinner photo...because we like to eat and talk.
Having a good time at the TpT Conference!

Our group of friends surprised Rachelle with custom tanks to celebrate her fitness journey together!  So proud!

Deanna... she truly has a heart of gold and is SO humble.  I am proud to call her a friend.

A little dark...but some of my old and new blogging friends.  Loved hanging out late with you all!
Shenanigans. And more Shenanigans.

Some of my Owlettes from our Owlways Be Inspired collaborative blog.

I want to be Cara Carroll when I grow up.  Such a talented teacher and great gal pal!
Another night out on the town.  :)

I could honestly sit here forever sharing more photos and more stories about the inspirational teachers I met, but I won't.  I will just say that my life has been forever changed.  I realized that we are part of a family--- a movement--- a greater purpose as educators.  I fully realized we are all in this together as educators who blog, create, or simply teach in our classrooms.  What we do matters, and we pave the way for future educators and our students.  This trip was a celebration of sorts.  It helped me realize why I went into teaching in the first place. It helped re-energize me for the year ahead.  It helped me realize that I wouldn't trade any of it... teaching...blogging...creating...or presenting...for anything in the world.  I am who I am.  I am comfortable in my own skin.  I am excited to learn from others to constantly push myself to improve.  I am a teacher, and I am proud.  I am a teacher... hear me roar!  ;)

Anyway, I digress. The confetti has finally settled, and now I am back at home plugging away.  I haven't done much with my store all summer because I have been creating and teaching a college course, preparing for SDE events, presenting. and taking two classes at UC.  School is just around the corner, so I am sitting down now that my schedule has cleared, and I am making an attempt to get back into the swing of things.  I thought I'd kick that off by joining my friends for a little Christmas in July Sale in my shop.  I will be putting select items on sale throughout the duration of the sale.   Today, my seasonal centers are on sale.  I have finally bundled them as well!  You can snag them individually for 20% off, or you can snag the bundle for a greater discount.  The bundled file is priced to sell at 20% off of what you would pay if you bought all 9 packets.  That means that you can get all of them for 20% off... plus an extra 20% off with the sale.  This center sale will last today and tomorrow before I switch out items and put other goodies on sale.  Be sure to stay tuned!  :)


Simply click on this banner in my store to check out the sale items each day!


Click here to check out the bundle!
Contents of Literacy Centers All Year!  They can also be purchased individually as part of the sale!

My Word Work Center materials are on sale for Christmas & July!

My Poetry Centers are also on sale!  Merry "Christmas" in July, friends! :)
I'm going to leave you with one last photo that sums up my Vegas experience. Ahh, connectedness!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Will you be putting your Expanding Vocabulariea resource on sale? Sounds like Vegas was fun!

    1. Yes, it will be on sale later this week! :)

  3. You are so pretty Amanda!!! I'm so happy I finally got to meet you :)

    1. Thanks, Hadar! So are you! It was a pleasure to meet you. :)

  4. Oh my goodness your heart shines so bright! I'm so happy you started blogging and we all learn so much from you. Thanks for sharing all your fab pics and products!!

    Teaching with Hope

  5. Love you and all of your photos!!!

  6. So so glad I got to meet you and attend one of your presentations! I loved every minute!

  7. It was great to meet you in Vegas! I enjoyed your presentation and learned a lot from your experiences with TPT and copyrighting. Thanks for taking time to present!

    Heather Q
    My Clever Endeavors

  8. looks like so much fun! Thank you for sharing your experience and all your talent and great ideas! I am a blog follower and resource buyer! I keep saying I am going to join the blogging world but for a lack of finding a name I like that isn't already taken and for the fact that my products are very basic looking - I'll just keep reading and getting the inspiration from all the great teacher bloggers out there! =)

    Happy Summer!
