Sunday, June 29, 2014

Summer?! What Summer?!

Hey, friends!  Remember me?!  I used to blog here regularly... once upon a time...back when I had a little more of what people call "free time".  I thought that my "summer vacation" would lend itself to this so-called free-time, but truthfully as I approach the one month mark of my summer vacation, I haven't had a lot of it to speak of.  Don't get me wrong.  I have enjoyed my summer profusely.  I have had the opportunity to do things that scared me... pushed me... changed me... and enthralled me.  As cheesy as it sounds, some of my very biggest dreams came to fruition this summer!  It's just been B-U-S-Y, and it's not going to slow down for me anytime soon! So, I am taking a deep breath to update this little ole blog.  Here's what I've been up to!

I taught my very first college course two weeks ago, and it was SUCH a wonderful experience.  I seriously LOVED every minute of it, and it confirmed that I do want to take the leap towards a PhD and a position as college professor someday.  Someday being the operative word.  Who knows how this is all going to play out.  All I know is that I loved it more than I ever dreamed I would.  (Of course, I had a run-in with a spider that week, and I contracted a fluke infection.  A bad one.  It took all of my energy to get out of bed, take my antibiotics every four hours, and teach.  When I came home, I pretty much just slept.  I am happy to say that I am ALMOST better now.  Getting better every day!) All things considered, even as sick as I felt, I LOVED teaching at that level and working with teachers in the trenches in a different capacity.  It was magical...

Last Monday, I presented for our county, and I had the opportunity to sit in on a few presentations as well.  I also had the chance to catch up with my friend Christina from Sugar & Spice! Since we both presented, we got to have lunch together and talk shop.  It's so fun having blogging friends nearby!

On Tuesday, I was off to New Orleans for  SDE's National  Reading, Writing, Math & More Conference! I got in around 3:30 PM, met sweet Deanna Jump in baggage claim, and we headed to our hotel.  It was really stormy, so we just decided to eat in the hotel and check out the attached mall.  It was a good night!  Of course, I needed to rest up in a big way because it was my first BIG gig.  So, I tried to sleep.  I literally woke up every hour to check the clock.  I was so worried that I would oversleep, but I didn't.  :)  Fortunately.  I was up at 5:30, and we were headed to the convention center by 7:00.  I got all set up, I paced, and I paced.  Then I paced some more.  Finally, it was go time, and whatever nervousness I felt that caused me to pace so much evaporated.  My initial fear of talking in front of a TON of people just sort of drifted away, and once I started talking, it was all good!  In fact, it was better than good.  I LOVED every minute of it.  I always love sharing my passion with other people who just "get it".  I also relish helping teachers have A-ha moments that they can take back to their own classrooms.  It's just such a neat feeling!  Anyway, I had a full day of presenting, and it was over in a blink.  Seriously, the day just flew by!  (I did have a chance to meet a few sweet bloggers which was so much fun too!)  Then,  I packed up, we made a quick stop at the hotel, and headed down to the Riverwalk and the French Quarter.  Deanna and I had a great dinner on Bourbon Street before getting drenched on the way back (even with our umbrellas).  It was definitely an adventure!  We went back, had a little more girl talk, and then I headed back to my room and packed.  I  was up at 5:30 again the next day to catch an 8:10 flight back to Ohio.  To say that it was a whirlwind trip would be a major understatement.  Here are some of the highlights!

This is what it looked like when we arrived...and basically the whole trip.  ;)  Still pretty though!

I got to meet Linda from Tootsie and Teed.  She is one of my oldest blogging friendships, and the sweetest lady ever!

Yes, I am guilty of the occasional selfie.  I couldn't resist documenting my first national conference with a silly face.

As I mentioned, Deanna and I had a great time together.  I am so thankful for her friendship and feedback!  <3 br="">

This is blurry, but it's the only action shot I was able to acquire.  It works, right?

I got to meet Ciera from Adventures in Room 129, Brenda from Primary Inspired, and Jennifer from 4mulafun too!  :)

I tried to keep things engaging and thought-provoking. I always feel better when I teach instead of talk.  :) 

Do you recognize this sweet southern belle?!  ;)  So pretty in pink!
Ahhh... palm trees.  I just loved the view.  It was such a fun trip.  I can't wait to go back someday!

 Looking at the photos again makes me wish time didn't fly by so quickly, but I am glad to be at home again.  Hubs and I went to my teammate's wedding yesterday, I have a little roadtrip in store to see friends, my in-laws are coming in to town for a few days, and then next week I'll be taking off to Vegas for more SDE presentations and the TpT Conference as well!  This summer is shaping up to busy, busy, busy, but I wouldn't change it for the world.  I am BLESSED, and I talk to the Big Guy upstairs a lot about how thankful I am for the opportunity to share my passion with others.  God is good.  Life is good.  Who could ask for anything more?!


  1. We've missed you! Looks like you've been one busy girl. Love that you've been enjoying your summer :)

    A Teaspoon of Teaching

  2. My co-worker and I attended three of your sessions during the conference and absolutely loved you! Your presentations really cleared up a lot of things for us :-)

  3. Wow you really have been busy! I hope you get a little bit of down time before your summer ends.
    The Traveling Teacher

  4. You did an awesome job in New Orleans. It was a wonderful conference!
