Sunday, May 18, 2014

A Balancing Act

Somehow I blinked, and there are eight days left in the school year.  What?!  How did THAT happen?  It's probably flown by because this year has been the most jam-packed year on record, and I have been doing a balancing act for the duration of the year.  It's been fun, it's been challenging, and it's been a learning experience.  That is for SURE.  In the midst of all of the craziness, I have really tried to balance my life out as much as possible.  I have been carving more time out for date nights, catching up with friends, spending time with family, home-making, and getting more involved at church.  Although I feel like I've been the world's worst blogger this year, I certainly feel more well-rounded at the close of this school-year.  With that said, I just wanted to share a new hobby I am getting into.  I just found out about a company called Mary and Martha.  It is AMAZING.  Once I found it, I was enamored.  I LOVE vintage design, and all of the merchandise is to die for.  Simply adorable.  It's a company that's owned by Hallmark and DaySpring... so you know it's quality... and it is a wonderful faith-focused company to boot. All of this compelled me to become a consultant...something I never thought I would do.  :)  If you think you might be interested in checking it out, feel free to head over to my consultant page on facebook to stay in the loop.  I will be having my first party too... and that will be something available online as well!  :)  Woo hoo!  There are a ton of goodies pictured on my facebook page, but here's a little sneak peek if you're interested.

Isn't that message perfect for this time of year?  As the year comes to a close, it's so easy to go into autopilot, but resist the urge.  Hold on, be present, and enjoy those last moments with your kiddos.  :)

Speaking of being all there,  I had a chance to hang out with some blogging friends yesterday in my itty bitty city!   :)  I got together with Amelia from Where the Wild Things Learn, Christina from Sugar and Spice, Jessica from Second Grade Nest, Sarah from Permanently Primary, Lisa from Fourth and Ten, and Amanda from A Very Curious Class! I had to skip out on the first part of the day, but I did make it to Gervasi for lunch, and it was a wonderful time with familiar faces.  I had met everyone at least once before at various meet-ups, so it was kind of like catching up  with old college friends.  Friendships are definitely one of my favorite things about blogging.  :)  Such a blessing!

Have a happy, happy, happy week!  :) 

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