Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Fun and Family: A New Years Resolution Linky!

Happy 2014! I'm linking up with my friends at Blog Hoppin' to share my plans for the new year.   To be truthful, this part of my New Years Resolution is pretty simple.  I want to spend more quality time with my hubs.  This year, we are planning on going on vacation for the first time since our honeymoon, and I am really looking forward to taking a trip together.  More than that though, I want to go on more dates, spend less time working on school stuff at home, step away from the computer more, and BE PRESENT in every moment.  This year, I will be turning THIRTY, and it's crazy to think about how fast time keeps on ticking by.  I am sure that our lives will drastically change when we decide to start a family, and realistically, that timeline keeps getting shorter and shorter.  So, for now, I want to live more in the NOW.  I want to enjoy where we are in our lives right now without constantly stressing about all of the work I still have to do.  It will all get done.  It always does... but it doesn't have to happen "right now"... and the world will not stop spinning if I take some time to smell the roses.  I simply want to BE PRESENT with the love of my life.  :)  It's just as straightforward as that.  What are your goals for the new year?  Link up at Blog Hoppin' and share your plans with us!

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