Sunday, May 5, 2013

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Whew!  It's been a crazy weekend!  :)  I went into my school for a few hours on Saturday to grade and do a little spring cleaning.  I needed to get away from home in order to get work done, because I kept finding things to do around the house.  So, I digress.  Being an adult is crazy,  isn't it?  We have jobs that keep us busy, but then there are all of those LIFE things that we have to do.  You know, the things that pile up during the week when we're busy working!?  So crazy.  So endless.   I feel a little like a juggler sometimes, and I'm not even a mom yet.  I have no idea how parents do it, which is why we haven't started a family yet.  If you are a mom, please know that I admire you!  You honestly have to be a rockstar to be a teacher and a mom!  I am 100% convinced.

Any-who!  Like I said, I spent a few hours at school, and then I came home around lunch time.  I pruned a little bit... pulled weeds... cooked dinner... cleaned the house... worked on two units... and pretty much collapsed on the couch to watch a few shows with my love.  If I did anything else yesterday, I honestly can't remember.  I have blocked it out of my memory entirely.

Today, I woke up early to get ready for church and draft our grocery list.  After church and grocery shopping, we came back, and I started pruning, weeding, and shaping our plants again.  I came inside momentarily to start a crock pot meal, and then went back out for a bit.  Eventually, I came inside to continue working on my Cinco de Mayo stuff.  I just couldn't get inspired this weekend, but eventually the ideas started flowing, and I knew I just HAD to get to work!!! Ha!  Literally, as soon as I sat down, my hubs came in asking me to go to Home Depot with him to buy a new edger.  He convinced me to go by saying something about starting my herb garden now.  I have been meaning to get it started for a few weeks, but it kept slipping to the bottom of my list, so I went.  I picked up some potting soil, basil, rosemary, thyme, oregano, parsley, and cilantro.  I LOVE cooking with fresh herbs, and now I am set for the summer!  Yay!

Eventually, I sat down and pumped out the rest of my Cinco de Mayo unit.  I finished right before I had to finish preparing dinner and FaceTime with the in-laws.  I am happy to say that I have finally uploaded it to TpT, and because it's so late, I have reduced the price for the rest of the night.  {Sunday night.}   If you're looking for a few last minute ideas, or if you are looking for something to spruce up your cultural unit, head over to check out Shout All About Cultures: Cultural Capers, Cinco de Mayo Style!  This is such a fun way to kick off my birthday week!  :)  Hope you can use it!