Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Today, I was supposed to have the day off to get my braces off and have impressions done for an upcoming surgery.  That appointment was abruptly rescheduled yesterday, and I didn't know why.  This was devastating to me.  Absolutely heartbreaking!   If you're my friend in real life or you've been following for a while, you know that I despise my braces.  They have been my Achilles heel for two years, and I honestly could not WAIT to get them off of my face.  Today was going to be the day... until it wasn't.  

I was feeling pretty bummed when I woke up for school.  I started to get ready, and my husband said, "Amanda, why don't you wear something cute today?!  That will make you feel better and take your mind off of your braces."  I pouted dramatically, and I put on sad-looking brown clothing.  I let my naturally curly hair stay curly.  I said, "I don't FEEL like dressing cute today.  Today is a brown day."  Looking back, I DO realize how ridiculous I was being.  I admit it!  I just didn't want to put on a fake happy face.  I felt like I had been waiting for Christmas to come... and then it got cancelled!  Ha!  

So, after putting on my sad-looking brown clothing, I headed to school.  Today started like any other day... except for the fact that I was not as cheerful as normal.  ;)  I chatted with my sweet partner, I got ready for my day, the kiddos did morning work, and I took them to specials.  I worked in my room and made a few copies before going to pick them up from art.  Then we did our routine restroom break, and we headed back to class.  One of the sweet ladies from our district office came into my room from my partner's room through an adjoining door and started to snap pictures of my room.  I didn't think anything of it.  I thought she was taking pictures of everyone's classrooms for the school website or something.  I thought that until a TON of administrators started to walk into my room with my husband and a few other people.   They were carrying balloons, flowers, a present, and cake.  Immediately, I thought, "Well, this is interesting."  My birthday is tomorrow, but I KNEW that my 29th birthday was not a big deal to anyone else, so I had NO idea why they were all in my classroom, but I immediately knew how my dental appointment got the axe.  

To make a very long story short, I was presented with an award from NEA for my contributions online... Pinterest in particular.  I was literally floored.  I am still completely flabbergasted.  Apparently they scoured Pinterest for teachers, and after a screening/voting process, I was chosen as one of five national award winners.  I am not sure what made an impression.  There are SO many wonderful teachers out there.  There are so many other bloggers who are just as deserving... even more deserving than me.  I am completely honored, humbled, and grateful.  It's just crazy.  If you're interested in reading the article, you can check it out HERE.  You can see a video of the hullaballoo HERE.   I LOVE hearing how my students reacted to everything!  Happy Monday!


  1. Congrats!!! That is just so amazing:) How very special and Happy Birthday!! Hope you get those braces off soon!

  2. Congrats. How amazing!! Happy birthday tomorrow! :)

    Mrs. Pauley's Kindergarten

  3. Oh wow! That is sooo exciting! Congrats!

    Teachery Tidbits

  4. Wow! That's great! It wasn't a brown day after all!

    Primary Inspired

  5. WOW! That is so exciting! Congratulations!

  6. You deserve it!! You're awesome!! BTW.. You look beautiful even with the braces :)

  7. That's fantastic! Congratulations. I typically don't post about school on my blog (it's mostly crafty and home stuff) but I typed up a post with a bulletin board about 15 minutes before reading this post and scheduled it for next week. That way I can take it down if I change my mind. This is making me feel inspired to share more of my school life.

  8. That is so awesome Amanda! Congratulations!!!! I bet you still can't wait to get your braces off (I had mine on for 4 years)!

    A is for Apple B is for Blog

  9. WOW! What an amazing honor. Congratulations!

    Tanya ☺
    First Grade is Fantabulous!

  10. Good for you, Amanda! Congratulations. What a great honor. You deserve it!

  11. Congratulations! I for one understand how you earned this award. I love to see what you pin on Pinterest and what you post on your blog. Keep up the awesome work!

  12. I know how you feel about those braces. Mine got delayed as well when I had them. Congrats on the award! How exciting for you! :)


  13. That's an awesome story!!! I would have been so sad in the morning too. I bet that turned your day around in a MAJOR way!

  14. Congrats on the award! I love that your husband worked behind the scenes.

    Blogging, facebook, and pinterest have revolutionized teaching. So much of our profession happened behind closed doors before social media...I wish this would have been here when I started teaching back in 2001! At least I have even more ideas to teach my own kids!

    My best,
    The Classroom Creative

  15. You are more than deserving, Sweet Amanda! Love that you got recognized! Such an inspiration!

  16. Wow!!! So exciting Amanda! I love all your Pinterest boards, so I totally can see why they got national recognition! Congratulations!! :)

    PS-Hopefully you can still get your braces off soon! :)

  17. That's absolutely amazing and so well deserved! I totally understand the frustration about the braces. I had braces a few years ago :/ So happy for you and your great news:)
    Fun in Room 4B

  18. Congrats!!! That is so wonderful! You definitely deserve it! :) So happy for you!

    The Price of Teaching

  19. WOW! Congrats! What an absolute honor! Enjoy this, you deserve every bit of it!
    Melissa :)

  20. Congratulations, Amanda! Great work! I am another recipient of a Pinterest Inspiration Box from Tuesday, and I have to say it was like Publisher's Clearninghouse for the classroom! My students were excited as well, and I'm still reeling from all the attention. Kudos to you, and I'm curious to find the other 3 awardees!

    Dream Big,
    Suzy Brooks
    Technically Invisible

  21. How amazing! You deserve it! I've been following your blog for three years:)

  22. Awesome! Congratulations on both recognition AND braces off! It was worth it!! (I, too, had braces as an adult - with my 7th grade daughter - who is now in college studying to be a teacher). I know your struggles. My take off date was delayed as well. I agree with Nicolette above, this teaching world is so different now. I came out of retirement to join the fun. Congratulations!

  23. Way to go, Amanda! You deserved it!

