Monday, July 16, 2012

FLASH SALE: Raining Savings!

If you've been following my blog this summer, then you are already aware of the fact that our yard has slowly transformed into a quasi-desert.  It crunches when you walk on it, and there are dirt patches.  It's lovely.  :)  We are in an "extreme drought".  Our spring and summer have been the driest since The Great Depression in terms of the number of days it has rained!   The Great Depression, folks!  Isn't that totally crazy town?!  According to the Cleveland Plain Dealer, they sifted through records and had to go back to 1923 to find a year with less rain days than 2012.  (Ironically, 2011 was the wettest year on record. Ha-ha!)  My itty-bitty city is in a period of "extreme drought".  It looks like most of the U.S. is just as HOT and DRY! 

We haven't had to worry about rain spoiling our fun.  That's been POSITIVE, if you want to take a "half-full" look at the glass. So, yesterday, my husband and I decided to go out for a bike ride.  We were six miles in to our workout when the sky literally opened up on us.  It was raining BUCKETS.  We started pedaling as quickly as we could back to the parking lot.  (I am quite certain that I looked like a pirate, because water was blowing right into my eyes, and I was riding with one eye open.  My contact was swirling in my eye!  Ha!)  Luckily, there was an informational tent nearby with park officials, so we stood under cover for a few minutes. We reached the tent just in time.  The wind picked up and the rain started pelting the tent with a tremendous force.  The tent started to lift.  Even with the "shelter" overhead, we were still getting soaked under the tent, but at least it protected us from the stinging rain.  Hubs and I stood there for probably five minutes or so before deciding to make a run for it.  We put our bikes on our bike rack, jumped in the car, and drove through enormous puddles.  Two minutes later, the rain stopped completely.  It was a brief, but wonderful rainstorm, and even though we are still trying to keep our yard from turning into the Eastern Sahara, it was a HUGE blessing.  We even got another short, but mighty rainstorm later in the evening!  Yay!

So, because I love to find a reason to celebrate the little things, I'm throwing a FLASH SALE!!!  Everything in my shop will be 20% off until midnight!!!  It's raining savings, friends! Click the picture & SAVE... :)  Have a wonderful day!!!


  1. That's crazy. Maybe y'all should go biking more often. It's your rain dance!

    1. Yes! It kind of like a rain dance, I suppose. Although, I am certain that I don't want to make a habit out of looking like a drowned rat!

  2. You are so cute with your little raining savings flash sale! =)

    Ginger Snaps

  3. Oh I was so excited to see your sale- but I missed it... For some reason- I only get your blog updates once a day- they are there when I log in each morning. I will stay on the lookout for the next rain dance sale.

  4. I must live somewhere near you as I have the same Sahara looking yard and heard about the freak rainstorm on Sunday. I also noticed that you help with the Hall of Fame. I live in Norton. Where are you?

  5. Thank you for the sale! I picked up all my Amanda wish list items? Yahoo!

    1. You're welcome! :) I am glad I could help you save some cash!!!

  6. Yea! I finally got to get your dictionary dig! Now I can cutesy up for my third graders too! Thanks!

    1. I would love to know how your kiddos respond to it! Hope they enjoy it! :)

    2. I'll definitely let you know! :)

  7. The rain was crazy! It flooded about 3 dozen homes in my area. I love the dictionary dig. I will defiantly be getting that for next year!

    Classroom Crafty
