Friday, July 20, 2012

Engineering Unit Revamped!

Okay friends, I don't even teach Science anymore, but I have been on a mission to revamp all of my old files to improve them and give them a consistent look/feel.   Today, I decided to fix up my Inventors: An Engineering Workshop file.  Seriously, I thought this would be a quick project, but four hours later, it turns out that it was not, in fact, a fast one.  Oh well!

If you already purchased this file, you will be thrilled to find out that you will be able to download 47 additional pages!   Obviously, I got a little carried away.  :)  You'll definitely want to download the NEW and IMPROVED file.  It makes me wish I still taught engineering... or Science in general... but I'll just live vicariously through everyone that still gets to use my unit!!! ENJOY!!!

I also updated a tiny little one-pager for "Shopping for Books",  I like it a lot better!  If you already have this, make sure that you download the new file too! (If you like it better too, of course!)


  1. As someone who already purchased, used, and loved the original version I'm super excited to see the updates. Thanks Amanda! :) Jodi from The Clutter-Free Classroom

    1. Thanks, Jodi! I am so glad you like it! :)

  2. I used it to do a project based learning unit on inventing a gumball machine. It was a great unit!

  3. Yahoo! I love the additional pages, Amanda. It was a hit with my group last year so I know it will be eve better this time around.

  4. You are A...MA...ZING! What a great unit!
    Where Seconds Count

  5. Iam your newest follower and i have one word for you make me want to build a better blog and really learn how to do those extremely cute packets you then sell and support your/our "habit" (ah, the life and wallet size of a teacher)
