Friday, June 1, 2012

Talking the Talk: Fluency Goodies!

It's a very fortunate thing that today was our last teacher work day, because I am officially out of steam.  Of course, my hubs wants to go to a plant auction at a nursery that's going out of business in about an hour, so I don't think a nap with my beautiful golden pup is going to happen, even though that is EXACTLY what I want to do right now.  Originally, the Mr. and I planned on going to see the new Snow White and the Huntsman movie tonight, but I don't know if I will be up past 8:00.  Isn't it crazy how the end of the year just completely ZAPS your energy?!  It's outrageous!  Now that summer is here, I plan on revamping old TpT files, adding more, working on tweaking my approach to TpT, taking classes, and of course resting a little more than usual.  A little sunshine and R&R is good for the soul!

I managed to finish a few small projects, but I cannot wait to tackle some crafty DIY classroom and home projects this summer.  {Pinterest is such a blessing and a curse all wrapped up into one neat little bundle, isn't it?!}  So far, I have managed to revamp my old, somewhat sad-looking fluency posters.  If you already own a set, make sure that you download a fresh copy in your downloads section!  The updated file can be otherwise found HERE! :)

In addition, I've been playing around with some ideas about how to support my kids with new fluency activities.  When I was looking at the Common Core Standards this week, this second grade standard jumped out at me. The Common Core (RL 2.6) asserts that, beginning in second grade, students should be able to "acknowledge differences in the points of view of characters, including by speaking in a different voice for each character when reading aloud."  I started playing around with clip art, and I came up with character cards.  It's probably not the most creative idea in the whole wide world, but I am excited about using it with my kiddos next year to give them an opportunity to read with another "voice" and to begin to think about how their voice affects their expression... and ultimately the mood/tone of the text.  It includes two different variations for recording/reflection sheets too. If you are interested in seeing more, you can take a looksie at the file HERE!

I also spent some time putting a resource together for a great research-based strategy called "Vocab in the Move!"  If you haven't heard of it, this is a great research-based vocabulary strategy that is super fun! It's also great for teaching reading across content areas! Here's how it works! Choose words pertaining to a certain unit of study. Place a name tag on each student’s back with one word on it. Do not tell your students the words that they have, and instruct their classmates to keep it hush hush too. Go over the rules of the game using the Vocab on the Move rule sheet. Clarify any questions before beginning. Allow students to walk around the room asking questions for 5-10 minutes. Have students record their clues and their guess on their recording sheet. Share out learnings in a group discussion! Happy Teaching! If you're interested in checking out the activity sheets, they are available HERE!

 I have a whole truck-load of Social Studies resources up my sleeve for the summer, and I can't wait to have time to fancy them up!  In the meantime, have a fabulous weekend, and don't forget about the EasiSpeak giveaway!  It's not too late to play along!


  1. Very cute Amanda! I love the "Talking the Talk" packet!

    Swimming into Second

  2. Love these fluency posters!! I agree with you- the end of the year zaps any energy that we have left. Happy Summer!

    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  3. You lucky, girl. I have 10 more days with my kiddos and I am dragging. I am happy the weekend is here to regroup and make the last days count. I love your "talk the talk" unit. My students love reading with voices already, but this would definitely re-enforce that. Happy summer to you, Amanda. Have fun at the movies!

  4. Hi Amanda! I saw this on pinterest and thought it sounded very familiar. I'm glad you were able to use it in your classroom! ~Katy (from Ashland)

  5. Love the fluency posters and the expression cards! My students love to use different voices when we practice our sight words. Be sure to make time to relax. I just finished my first week of break and there already seems to be a lack of time for what is on my list!


  6. Love the Vocabulary on the Move packet, it's on my wishlist already!
    Stories From Second

  7. Yay for the end of the year!!!!!!

    I love your new fluency cards!!!!!! So perfect!!!!

  8. Hey Amanda! I actually just got the TpT e-mail about your fluency cards and it went right onto my wish list. HaHa. {I'm too poor to shop right now... but shopping will happen at some point this summer.} I taught 2nd grade this year and it was one thing my students really struggled with. Most of the time I would talk in difference voices and they would try to guess what emotion I was feeling and which voice sounded best with the text. I love this idea to put the fluency practice back in their hands. Thanks for making this!!

    Dirty Hands and Lesson Plans

  9. Love the packet! I am really planning on working with my fifth graders on fluency next year. I wonder if I could get them to do this (maybe in small group w/ me if I model it first?).

    Every New Beginning

  10. I love it and I'm your newest follower!

  11. I am so jealous that you are out for summer and also amazed that you still had the energy to post! The fluency posters will be so helpful at the start of next year. Can't wait to use them.

    The REAL Teachers of Orange County

  12. I'm a new third grade blogger and have been following you for about a month. Love all your inspiring ideas!

    Brynley's Brainstorms

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Hi Amanda! I love the Talking the Talk packet! A lot of my second graders struggle with fluency and I'm always looking for new ways to work on it. I'm a new blogger and teach second grade. I've been following your blog and store for about a year now. Your store is the first one I discovered on TPT! You are one of the teacher/seller/bloggers that inspired me to start my own. I love all of your ideas and resources!
    Thank you again

  15. Amanda- I love your creativity. Your enthusiasm is contagiuous. I have been following you all year. I would love the Easi-Speak. I can see American Idol fluency practice, cold read/hot read recording and Reader's theater. I imagine once I would start using it- the ideas would jump out. I also "liked" the Learning Resources Facebook page. Hopefully I have 2 chances to win now.

  16. This is such a great idea! I love the vocab words on the back. I am going to try that! 9 more days for engine is out of steam too, but I keep saying, "I think I can, Ithink I can."

  17. Hello! I have to tell you that I really enjoy your blog! Question...How do you create those posters? They are fantastic! I teach 6th grade and would love to be able to create some of my own as well. Would you mind sharing how you create these? Is it a program or are you just a naturally artistic person? Haha... I look forward to your future updates! :)

  18. Love these!!! I am your newest follower. Come by and visit :)
    Smitten With First
