Monday, June 18, 2012

Super Sight Words FLASH SALE!

I am FINALLY finished with my Sight Word Vocabulary Star resources!  (Thank goodness for Pinterest, rainy days, and Crock Pot meals!)  All 1,200 high frequency words have been bundled into sets.  You can purchase them by sets of 100 if you don't need the full range, or you can buy the bundled sets!  Due to the fact that the files are so large, I had to break the bundles in half.  You can purchase the FIRST 600 WORDS HERE and/or the LAST 600 WORDS HERE if you're interested in acquiring the set for your classroom! If you want to purchase the individual sets... you can find them easily by selecting to view my recent products in the drop down menu in my store. :)

ALL of my Sight Word Vocabulary Star resources are on sale for 50% off until tomorrow evening around 8 pm EST.  If you're interested in working more sight word work into your intermediate classroom... or if you would like another resource to add to your primary classroom... now's the time to grab them at half-price!  I've started to print them out and trim around them, and it's a tad time-consuming!  Totally worth it, but time-consuming!  :)  So, I thought I'd try to give you all a head-start if you plan on adding this to your classroom!  I'm really excited about it, and I am even more excited about being finished!  This project took longer than any other project I've ever completed... and it's definitely a good feeling to be able to offer it to you and save you time... AND MONEY TOO! I hope to be able to share how I use this with my kiddos once we head back to school with lots of pictures and maybe even some management freebies.  I'm still toying with all of the possibilities and ways to expand!  As it stands, it makes a great sight word game (similar to musical chairs) and you can put them on rings for your word work center or assessment purposes!  :)  I LOVE this resource!  I know I'm biased... but I do!!  Can't wait to put it to good use!


  1. Oh, Amanda, your stuff is adorable!! Congrats on finishing SUCH a huge project.

    What's cookin' in the crock pot?

    Come by the Corner on Character tomorrow for my blueberry muffin recipe!

    The Corner On Character

    1. Thanks, Barbara! The muffins look super yummy! :)

  2. Love the Hollywood pizzaz! Hmmmm... maybe I should finally try a Hollywood theme in my classroom? You just may have inspired me ; ) Hope you are having a great summer!

    Sprinkle Teaching Magic

    1. I live for pizzazz!!! :) Hope you're having a good summer too!

  3. Wow, What a project!! Way to go in finishing it. I love your blog!! I'm one of your newest followers.

  4. I'm feeling very inspired after reading your post! Thanks!

    The REAL Teachers of Orange County

  5. Wow!! What a big project. I am excited to check it out. We are new to the blogging world and we are still learning. What is a Flash Sale? We are your newest followers and would love it if you checked us out! :)

    1. Hi, ladies! :) A flash sale is a sudden, unexpected, short-lived sale. :)

  6. I did a FLASH sale yesterday and I can't believe how much I made!! I need to have more sales!! I hope you had a great one!

    1. Thanks, Ginger! I'm happy to hear your sale went well! :)
