Saturday, April 14, 2012

Reviewing Test Terms Hollywood Style!

Looking for a simple way to review test vocabulary with your kiddos?  Use this 54 page bundle to play "Vocabulary Star"!  It works a little like musical chairs... only nobody ever gets out. Whenever the music stops, four students stand up if they land in a "Vocabulary Star" seat.  Simply pull a card, hold it up, and ask each student to tell you the definition of terms in their own words.  Pick and choose terms, or break the game into chunks over several days to review for the big testing premiere! Of course, you may also opt to use the word cards as a test prep word wall to occasionally call out or use a flashlight as a "spotlight" to review definitions throughout the year! {This file also includes a template for recording "spotlight words" and thinking about the definitions.}

* This file was created to align with the OAA, but may be useful for other state tests too.

* You may choose to use this in non-testing grades as well to practice terms that you are learning in class. :)  It covers a lot of basic terms, and a lot of terms that show up in the Common Core.

* This file does not included definitions for the words at this point in time due to time constraints!  :)  They will most likely be added later... this summer. At this point, I have until the 24th to get ready for our Reading OAA! Every minute of my planning time is precious! :)  Have a great Sunday!


  1. This looks great, Amanda! Cute idea. The kids will love the graphics.

  2. Great ideas. Love these, I'm going to have to try them out. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I absolutely can't wait to try the "spotlight" trick out. My kiddos will love this! And it can be used with almost anything!
