Thursday, February 16, 2012

Top Quality Target- FREEBIE!

I'm home again with the flu, so I'm going to make this super short & sweet!  I just added a new freebie file to my TpT store.  This writing poster was created last year as a complementary file to go along with my Writer's Workshop: Writing on Target bundle.  Hope you can find a use for it as a checklist or as a resource in your writing center.  :)  Click on the picture to snag a copy! 


  1. Sorry you aren't feeling well again. I've had a nasty cold, but not the flu yet (knocking on wood!)

    Kinder Kraziness

  2. Hope you are feeling better.
    What a fun idea.

  3. Hope you get better soon!! The poster is awesome, so cute! Thank you!

    Apples and Papers

  4. So sorry you are sick! Boo. Thank you for the writing freebie, though! :)

    Mrs. Lirette's Learning Detectives

  5. Ugh I just had a bug, it was the worst!! I hope you start feeling better soon! Thanks for the freebie, I love it!!

    A Cupcake for the Teacher

  6. Love it! Hope you are feeling better soon!
    Finally in First

  7. Hi Amanda,
    I love this!! I have something kinda similar but yours is better. I put it up for their journals. I love your blog and your name of course. That's my daughter's name. :o) Come check me out I'm new to blogging. You might like an Abe Lincoln craft I have on my blog. Have a great weekend.
    ~ Vicky
    Traditions Laughter and Happily Ever After

  8. Just saw this on Pinterest and LOVE it! I featured it on 3-6 Free Resources :) Thanks so much for the great freebie!

    3rd Grade Thoughts
