Saturday, February 25, 2012

Exploring Maps: Pirate Style {The Basics}

Phew!  I finally uploaded my maps unit, and it is nothing short of a miracle.  It's been one of those units that has really evolved as I've been teaching it, and if I let myself, I am fairly certain that this end up being a 150 page file.  I have to stop though.  I need to enjoy my weekend!  :)  Plus, there's a super cute guy out in the living room reading about finishing basements, and I am fairly certain that I should check in on that.  And spend time with him!  :)  Anyway, I've added a lot, and it ended up being a 68-pager in the end.  If you're interested in finding out more about the supplemental file, you can learn more about it HERE!  {I've had trouble with thumbnails lately, so if you want to see what the contents look like, make sure to check out the preview!}  Some of the lessons involve things like inflatable globes, hula hoops, silly bands, and laminated pirate map place-mats.  So much FUN!  I am also SO excited to incorporate Hope King's edible landform maps this upcoming week!  If you haven't checked out this post, it's a MUST!


  1. This looks great! I'll have to check it out!

    Enjoy your weekend! Wish I had a cute AND handy guy sitting in my living room...

    Down Under Teacher

  2. What a super cute unit. I covered map skills at the start of the school year, but I may just need to do a refresher before summer just so I can use this darling unit. Fabulous work Amanda.

  3. So the first three people to comment get it for free right?!?!

    Haha I will check it out!

  4. If you notice all your great stuff being pinned on Pinterest by me, you'll know I've been blog stalking you. LOL You have such good makes me want to teach 3rd grade!

  5. I LOVE IT!! This is so cute! I haven't done a pirate unit before! :)


  6. Looks great! Love pirates...and so do my kids!!

    First Grade Blue SKies

  7. looks great!!
    in my wishlist...hopefully for the leap day sale! :)

    ♥ Jen
    The Teacher's Cauldron

  8. Cutest map unit I've found yet! Definitely posting it on my new teacher blog and sending people over to your TPT store for it!
