Friday, August 26, 2011

A Walk Down Memory Lane

I can't believe that this is my sixth year teaching!  I know that many of you have taught quite a bit longer than I have, but it seriously seems like I was entering the classroom for the first time yesterday!  Since I'm feeling sentimental, let's take a walk down memory lane.  I used to be a Title I Reading Tutor for first and second grade kiddos... once upon a time.  I know I am missing a TON of pictures... because I have some hard copies that I can't seem to find on my computer.  Anyway, with our without them, it's amazing to see how much I've grown as a teacher! 

I still love student notes just as much as I did then!

Posing after performing the Gingerbread Baby Reader's Theater

Alphabet Beanbag Toss

A view of my rudimentary room

I used to draw a lot of my room decorations back then!

My very sad library area.

I believe this picture is self-explanatory.

Fundations Stuff

A hand-made sight word game for a Make & Take Parent Night.

I believe this was somehow coordinated with Click Clack Moo.

Phonics Activity

ABC Puzzles-  Some of my kiddos were still working on letter sounds.

Alphabet Match Up
Character Study with Officer Buckle & Gloria
I was introduced to Debbie Miller {literally} that year, and my teaching has never been the same.


  1. I came across photos from my student teaching the other day...oh the memories!

  2. It is neat to look at things we used to do or how we decorated before compared to now! This is only my 4th year, but there's still lots of changes!

  3. I love all of the things going on in your room, especially the Oh, how many feet make and take! So cute!

  4. I love Debbie Dillar as well :) She will totally inpsire you. Please feel free to check out my blog and follow if you like :)

  5. I love your Officer Buckle poster! Outside/Inside is a good introduction to what character traits are (and are not!). Thanks for sharing. :)
