Sunday, June 12, 2011

Classroom Jobs- FREEBIE!

Woo hoo!  I am finally on summer vacation, and I am so excited!  I'm also done with a little local pageant that I helped direct, so I can check that off of my list too!  (My hubby cheerfully helped fluff feathers on little princess crowns to help out.  I'm such a lucky gal!) Anyway, now that my life is slowing down temporarily, I can finally take time to work on a few extra projects for next school year.  A teacher's work is never done.  I also have time to BLOG!  Finally!  I have totally neglected this little slice of cyberspace lately.  At any rate, I wanted to share a little freebie with you all.  It has made my life so much easier!

Once upon a time, I had 5-7 classroom jobs that rotated on a weekly basis.  Then I realized that it was difficult to manage when you’re going to grad school, coaching,  planning a wedding, and living a crazy-hectic-sort-of-existence.  So, last year, I switched over to a bi-weekly rotation, and I totally thought it would work for me since I was married and no longer coaching.  Wrong-OH! I still felt like it wasn’t my cup of tea.  So, sometime in the middle of the 2nd nine-weeks, I decided to make a change.

I decided to create jobs for every kid in my class so that everyone always had a job to do.  I tried to make my life easier by creating jobs that the kids could easily do to free up some of my time for other tasks.  The kids applied for a job, which is a great life-skill, and I tried to place them where I thought they would be happy using their top 2 choices, bottom choice, and their responsibility levels/strengths to “hire” them.  The kids were all happy to have a job to do, and this freed me up to worry about other things for one whole 9-weeks until we applied for jobs again.  This was pure magic, so I HAD to share!
To find out more, you can check out my freebie file!  I hope you can use it... or at least part of it!

Click on the link above the picture to download the file!


  1. thanks for the freebie! I appreciate your willingness to share!

  2. Super cute! What grade do you teach?

    <>< Crystal

  3. Thank you! I teach third grade! :)

  4. I have the kids apply for jobs each year. This year the kids asked if I would allow them to apply for jobs more often. I will attempt to try each nine weeks. You can read their resume in a recent post for our campsite. Your resume looks cute. I suppose I shoud spruce mine up. :)


  5. This is awesome!! You have such great ideas!!


  6. Love it!! You and your freebie are too cute!! Thanks for sharing.

    First Grade Factory

  7. Thank you sooo much! Saves me so much time and it is CUTE!

  8. Cute idea. I never got the hang of managing classroom jobs either, but this is tempting.

    Yearn to Learn Blog

  9. Looks awesome thanks for sharing. I will definately follow your blog. If you can please check out and follow mine.

  10. OMGosh! I prepared something almost identical to this for next year! Although I like some of the names of your jobs better, so I'm going to steal them!

    Go Fourth! With Mrs. Owens

  11. Thanks! I hope you can find it useful in your classrooms! :) I know it's helped me out immensely!

  12. I love the jobs that you posted! Some of those sound awesome and I didn't even think of them. Thanks so much for sharing!

    Magnificent Multiagers!

  13. Thanks so much for linking up to my first party! I LOVE the printouts you provided. What great ideas!
    Peace, Mel D
    Oh the Places We’ll Go

  14. I love your post! Your freebie is super!! Thank you!
    Barrow's Hodgepodge

  15. Cute idea! I love all the jobs you have! I am considering giving a job to every student this coming year! I am new to blogging- so if you have a moment, come check out my blog!

    Fantastic 1st Grade

  16. THanks for the freebie. I also gave every student in my class a job, which with 34 kids is a very hard task to think of enough job names. I love all the names you came up with. Much better than mine! I had mine apply as well, but i didn't make an application and it didn't turn out so well. I will use your and hope it works out better! I switched more often, but I like your idea of every 9 weeks.

  17. So Cute! Thanks for sharing:)

  18. LOVE this! I too, HATED classroom jobs! Thank you so much for posting this fantastic idea! I modified it a bit to work for second grade and can not WAIT to incorporate it into my classroom!

    Hope King

  19. WOW! I would love to do this! What a great freebie!!!!!

  20. Amanda...I love this! But I'm wondering why it cuts part of it off in Google docs when you print? Any suggestions?


  21. Jessica, did you download the file as a pdf first? If you did, it should print just fine. Let me know if you need help finding out how to download the file from Google Docs! :)

  22. Amanda, you are a ROCK STAR! You just solved so many of my 'problems'...thank you:)

  23. Amanda,
    I'm having a hard time coming up with ideas for my sanitation engineers -- what do yours do?

    Thank you,

  24. Sarah, my sanitation engineers pick up anything that may be left on the floor after the whole class cleans and the chairs go up. They are the back up!

  25. Hi Amanda! I would love to check out your Kids at Work freebie idea! I can't get the file to open. Can you email it to me? THANKS!! :)

  26. Hello Amanda!
    I can't seem to open your "Kids at Work" freebie idea:( Is it the file or is it me?!
    Thank you!

    1. Here's the direct link!

  27. I can't open it either and I followed the direct link. Anything else I can try?


  28. I just went back in and fixed the link. It should be working now! :)

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