Sunday, May 22, 2011

Checking In!

I have been swamped all weekend, and I need a little R&R before embarking on yet another Manic Monday.  So, this post is going to short & sweet! Here are some highlights from last week!

We had our Wax Museum!  (Click HERE to read my post from earlier this week!)

We went on a field trip to a historic Hale Farm & Village!

We celebrated Right to Read Week in our own end-of-the-year-frenzy-abbreviated-kind-of-way.  

The students added a tentacle for every 30 minutes they read during Right to Read Week!

We started a new genre in writing, and I survived a Writer's Workshop observation by a county coordinator!  I'm actually starting to get excited about sharing my program with other teachers this summer!  Yay!

The kiddos also spent some time making Geometric Cities.  This is another great Lesson Plan S.O.S. lesson, and the kids really enjoyed it.  

We're still working with the lizard wizards too... for two more weeks!

I hope that you all have a fabulous week!  I'm off to spend time with my hubby and fur-babies! 


  1. Oh my goodness I love your puppies! :) My baby, Nugget, is a Golden Retriever and is a spitting image of your Golden! I will have to email you a picture! :) Have a great week, Amanda!

  2. The geometric cities look awesome, and I'm hoping to upgrade my geometry unit next year, so I'll have to check it out.

  3. I love the geometric city. Would love to do that as an end of year review project. Do you have a link to the lesson?

  4. Amanda, what writing program are you using? We've just been trained in Writing Fundamentals but I feel like I need so much more to make it meaty enough!

  5. Marlene, you can find the Geometric City lesson at the Lesson Plan SOS store:

    Brynne, I use Units of Study for Teaching Writing by Lucy Calkins, and I love it. You can email me if you have any questions!! Feel free to check out the program here:

  6. Congrats on being named one of the best Kindergarten blogs!

    P.S. love the dog pix!!

  7. Congratulations on being names 1 of the top 50 kindergarten blogs by California Teaching Credentials.

    Ms. M
    Ms.M's Blog
    A Teacher's Plan

  8. We just did a wax museum at my school, it's a great idea!

    Miss B, Busy Bee
