Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Data Folders Freebie!

I just added my Data Folders: Goal Setting 101 file to TpT, and I wanted to share one FREE page from the printable!  You can use it to have your students graph their spelling scores over time.  :)  If you like what you see, you can preview the rest of the document at my store. To download the freebie file, click the "Spelling Graph" link.  To get a true sense of the quality of the document, download the original file once you're in Google Docs.


  1. That's a great idea!! I plan on doing something along those lines next year. Thanks for sharing :)

  2. Hi Amanda,

    This is a great idea and I am on my way to preview what you have on TPT. I was unable to access your document. It says I don't have permission to view.

  3. I love these. Thanks!


    ps Where did you get the font you used for Data Folders? I've seen it a lot lately, and I love it! :)

  4. I like this a lot! My kids are earning a pizza party for 80 or above this trimester. It really has motivated many. Love the visual!

  5. I was unable to access your free page. Your TPT file looks great!

  6. Great idea! It tells me I don't have permission to view it either.

  7. I edited the link, so you should be able to access it now. Sorry about that! It worked on my computer when I tested the link last night, so I had no idea that it was a dead link. Let me know if you still have issues. Janea, the font is by Lettering Delights. :)

  8. Thanks for your great posts and inspiration! I'll be checking out your tpt items for sure.

    Please take a look at my new third grade blog...just getting up and running.

    Thanks, Kelley
