Friday, September 20, 2013

A New Chapter...

If you have been following my blog for a while, you probably already know that I fell in love with presenting a few years ago!  I have been presenting locally for my county for three years, and it has been so much fun meeting teachers from all over my area and sharing some of my classroom practices with them!

Well, I am SO excited to share my newest opportunity with all of you.  :)   I will have the honor of  presenting for SDE in Columbus for the 2014 Conference for Ohio Second and Third Grade Teachers in February!  It will be my first time at a state conference, and I am really excited to jump right in! 

Do you want to know something else?!  One of my blogging besties, Hope King, will be there too!  She is fabulous, so I just know she's going to DELIVER in her sessions!  If you want to know more about this conference, make sure to check out the session descriptions and the conference brochure! 

In other news, this week was NUTS!  Completely NUTS!  :)  It was so busy, and it zipped by in the blink of an eye.  I didn't take many pictures this week as a result, but I will be sure to make up for it next week!  I promise! 

This week, in the midst of a whirlwind of work, I also tried to recuperate from a mild concussion.  We won't go into HOW I got a concussion... suffice to say... I am a giant klutz sometimes.  {Sometimes I am not entirely sure how I was a cheerleader or a hurdler.  I honestly can't walk and chew gum at the same time! Ha!}  Of course, since this is my second self-inflicted concussion in a few years, my colleagues got a kick out of it.  One of our first grade teachers proposed wrapping me up in bubble wrap, another co-worker proposed a giant hamster ball, and one of my teammates suggested that I wear a hard hat.  As you can see, that one actually came to fruition.  {She likes me... she really, really likes me!}  I think I make a pretty convincing construction worker... what do you think?!

My big goal for the weekend is to avoid running into any inanimate objects so I can be productive and finally get ahead.  I think it's a reasonable enough goal, don't you!?  Fingers crossed!!!!  :) Have a great weekend, friends!  Happy Friday!


  1. Oh my gosh! You poor thing! I am so clumsy, too! I can totally see myself doing this. You look adorable in the construction hat :) Congrats on presenting, that is amazing! I can't wait to tell our 2nd and 3rd grade teachers about it :)


  2. Oh my! A concussion! You gave me a scare! I'm glad that you're doing well. Love the hard hat! Good luck on the conference. I wish I lived near by to attend it.

  3. Wow, Amanda! what a great opportunity! You'll be amazing, I wish I still lived in Ohio!

    It looks like Photobucket has voted you most popular! Ugh. I'm sorry the Photobucket folks are SUCH bucket dippers! This exact same thing happened to me last March! My blog designer had to upgrade her account so I could get my blog back!

    Congratulations on your new chapter! SDE is so lucky to have you!


  4. Oh you make me giggle Amanda! You make a mighty fine construction worker!

  5. I want to come listen to you present!!! Love you!

  6. Wish I live close...I would love to hear both you and Hope present!..encourage them to have one in so. cal!! I mentioned one of your products on my latest post & linked to your
    ps...'have a nice trip...see you next fall.'..great 'teachable moment' for multiple meanings with your kiddos.

  7. Wish I live close...I would love to hear both you and Hope present!..encourage them to have one in so. cal!! I mentioned one of your products on my latest post & linked to your
    ps...'have a nice trip...see you next fall.'..great 'teachable moment' for multiple meanings with your kiddos.
