Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Back to School!

We had our Meet the Teacher Night last night, and it was wonderful to meet all of the families.  All twenty-eight of them.  :)  I already adore every single one of my new kiddos!  I think we are going to have a wonderful year.

Today was an in-service day, and it was super productive.  Can you guess what my classroom is lacking though?!  Look closely...

Clearly this classroom is in need of a new batch of students!  Tomorrow marks the big day, and I am so excited to get started!  The plans are written, the materials are prepped, and I am ready to get the ball rolling!!! Happy Back-to-School. friends!


  1. Your room looks great! Have a great day tomorrow :)
    Fun in Room 4B

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I've been struggling with my desk arrangement. I spent forever today trying to squeeze in two more groups and it just wasn't working. Your classroom solved that problem! I love your desk arrangement and I'm stealing it! :) Thanks for solving my problem for me!

    Sweet in Seventh

  4. I love the quote! It just brought tears to my eyes. You're students are so lucky to you have you as their teacher.

    Turtley Loving Teaching

  5. ahh, finally another teacher that has as many kiddos as me! Good luck! Your room looks awesome!

  6. Wow, your classroom decor is fantastic! Best wishes with the beginning of your school year =)

  7. Hope your first week was fantastic! I really, really love the quote and would love to use it!

  8. Come join in on the fun today and link up. I would love to read your words of inspiration. http://thenewprincipalprinciples.blogspot.com/2013/08/lets-make-statement.html
