Thursday, July 18, 2013

On the Twelth Day of Christmas...

Sorry I'm a little late with this post today.  I had the brilliant idea to revamp my Wax Museum last night, and it's all I could think about all morning.  It's finally finished... and it's basically almost five times the size now.  Goodness!  This is why it takes me forever to update units!  I always end up adding on to them a TON!  I am really excited about the changes though.  I bought a ton of clipart to make the project a little easier to implement, and I narrowed the focus to American Heroes.  :)  I absolutely LOVE this project, and I am really excited to implement it this year with the updates!  If you already own this, you will definitely want to check it out again.  I seriously redesigned the entire thing from scratch, and I think it's a lot prettier, if I do say so myself!

So, with all of that said, I was really just coming here to let you know that everything in my store is 20% off today!  Thanks for always reading and following along!  Just click the image below to browse around!  Happy Thursday, friends!

1 comment:

  1. SO fun! We do a "book character" museum and dress up like book characters to build interest in books.

    Chickadee Jubilee
