Sunday, March 31, 2013

My Life as an Elementary Kiddo

Today, Mr. Wonderful and I celebrated Easter with my parents and my little sister.  During one of our conversations, my mom mentioned that she recently stumbled upon a folder containing a few of my old notes and work samples.  Of course, I couldn't resist checking them out.  Now that I am a teacher, it's so interesting to see what I was like as an elementary kiddo.  We laughed hysterically at some of the notes that my sister and I had written over the years.  I literally cried a few times because I was laughing so uncontrollably!  I just couldn't resist sharing a few photos with everyone!  :)  It think it's so important to remember where we came from and how every moment molds us and shapes us, even if we aren't always cognizant of it.

This first artifact was a story I wrote at the beginning of kindergarten.  For a while, all of my pictures featured girls wearing point shoes.  For YEARS!  You'll see that I have ballerina feet in every picture... despite the fact that my hair color changed mid-story.  :)  My teacher brain tells me that I drew the pictures and wrote everything in the speech bubbles, and then Mrs. Baker sat down to have me tell her more about the story.  You can see where she scribed on each page.  It's kind of cracking me up right now.

Once upon a time, my cat and I went outside to chase each other.  My cat's name is Babe.

We climbed a plain tree. 
I felt hot.  I went inside with Babe to play.  We played a game the game "Kittens". 

The next artifact is something I wrote about my teacher when I was a fourth grader.  I LOVED Mrs. Montgomery!  It was so neat to read a note about how I perceived my teacher.  :)  Kids write with such honesty, don't they?!

Lastly, this little artifact shows that I have been IN LOVE with learning for a LONG time.  I believe this was from fifth grade.  :)  It was a little note I wrote to my parents about my school day. Obviously I was experimenting with my handwriting at the time.  Goodness! 

As you can probably deduce from the photographs, I have always loved learning.  School has always been something that I have enjoyed, both as a student and as a teacher.  As you can see, I was lucky enough to have teachers who inspired me, captivated me, and helped me to become the teacher I am today, and for that I am eternally grateful.  :)  Have a great week, friends!


  1. What great memory artifacts you get to reflect on. Love the pointed shoes drawings!

  2. I love looking back on my stuff from when I was little! I used to play school with my brothers and still have the "teaching materials" that I made for them! I guess I have always been a teacher at heart! Thanks for sharing!
    Second Grade is Out of This World!

  3. This is so much fun. I love that my mom saved all of my stuff too. Especially my stories from when I was little. My favorite stories included a character named "Maybalee". She had the funniest adventures! Thank you for this post. Reminds us that we all started somewhere and our love for learning and teaching goes way back!

    Flying High in First Grade

  4. I love taking a trip down memory lane. What fun! Thanks for sharing this with us! :)

    Mrs. Pauley's Kindergarten

  5. Oh my goodness, my mom just pulled out a bunch of my old stuff from 5th grade. I love it! I showed my students and they about died! Thanks for sharing!

    Young Teacher Love 5th Grade Blog

  6. Loved this little trip down memory lane! Thanks for sharing :) I stumbled upon your blog today and I am SO happy I did! I cannot wait to read up and learn lots from you :)


  7. Awww how adorable! Love your kindergarten work!

    Bless Mom's who keep everything!

    Teaching Maths with Meaning
