Wednesday, August 8, 2012

School Days Craze: Common Core B2S Centers!

Have you ever started ten projects at once and felt your head spin around like your brain is going through a very intense wash cycle?  That's where I'm at right now.  My brain is MUSH.  :)  I spent all day yesterday working on classroom projects and re-organizing binders.  It kind of looked like a file cabinet spontaneously combusted all over my home office.  Just keepin' it real!  I made significant progress (thankfully), and I should be able to finish up today! Tomorrow is the first team meeting of the new school year, so I am hoping to work in my classroom after I spend some time catching up with everyone at lunch.  I would like to be able to drop all of my binders off and scratch that major project off of the list.   As you can see, I've made some progress.  I pulled some goodies back out of storage totes to snap a few pictures of some finished, half-way finished, and not even close to being finished projects. Is it bad that I just can't wait to get this stuff out of my house?  The neat freak in me is crying.  :)

Fortunately, I have been able to peck away at new back to school centers in the midst of all of my projects, and I am so excited to start out the school year with them!  I am also happy that I can use them year-round... even if I can't fit all of them in during the first month! :) This bundle covers lots of skills like ABC order, regular verb tenses, plurals with -s, -es, and -ies, comparatives and superlative adjectives, vowel digraphs, VCCV words, and the prefixes un-, re-, and dis-.  I always feel terrible posting these kinds of posts, and I know I've apologized profusely throughout the summer for turning ,my blog into QVC, but I know how the beginning of the school year is, and if you think you can use them, then I want to be able to make them available as soon as I can.  :)  Super sorry, friends! If you are interested though, you can check out the file HERE.  Since it's a newbie, I'm also marking it down 20% through tomorrow ONLY! Have a fabulous afternoon!  Don't work too hard! ;) 

Just for fun:  The first person to guess my favorite Olympic sport gets this 88-pager for FREE!


  1. Replies
    1. You got it Ashli! Shoot an email my way, please!

    2. Dog! I was gonna guess trampoline!

      Carrie :)

  2. Replies
    1. Awww, you just missed it by four minutes! Thanks for playing along! :)

  3. Replies
    1. I used to hurdle/sprint, so I love track too, but GYMNASTICS is my favorite to watch!

  4. Gymnastics darnit! hahaha okay fine, swimming?!

    1. Hahahahahaha! I hate actually swimming IRL, but I don't mind watching it on TV. :)

  5. Synchronized diving? Those people are crazy good!

    1. They are really good... but that's not my favorite! :) Thanks for playing along!

  6. Synchronized diving? Those people are crazy good!

  7. I love watching the gymnastics!

    Go check out my 100 follower giveaway and enter to win!

    Mrs. Crouse :)

  8. Looks amazing, Amanda! Love that you aligned them with the CC. I seriously feel like a crazy lady right now with all of my projects. I have become SO ANXIOUS (I know my lack of sleep and insane coffee addiction doesn't help)!

    :) Love it all, sweet friend.

  9. These centers look great! I started crying 2 weeks ago from being overwhelmed- Ha!! Oh well, it always gets done!

  10. I think your favorite sport is gymnastics!

  11. Those crates looks amazing! I guess Michael Phelps is out :(
    My Second Sense

  12. Girl, I couldn't wait to get it all out of my house either lol. I don't blame you one bit. Your newest pack looks great!! :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  13. you've gotta watch sprint cycling! weirdest/most entertaining thing EVER!

  14. I love the book boxes with the ribbon!

    A great site to use in your centers is JogNog.

    JogNog is instrumental in my classroom by engaging my students in learning. I, also, do some consulting with JogNog.

    Teaching...My Calling

  15. I think your favorite sport is basketball
