Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Back to School Projects and Purchases!

I decided NOT to go in to school today.  After completing the organizing phase of my classroom yesterday, my brain started going in about 100 different directions.  I decided that I needed to go shopping for craft supplies to work on Pinterest inspired projects.  Ironically, I didn't end up working on ANY Pinterest projects today, because while I was out shopping, I hit the jackpot!  I came up with my own little ideas instead, and I couldn't wait to put them together to test drive them!  :)

First, I'd like to show you my newest word work idea!  I found foam counting blocks at the ever fabulous Dollar Tree, and I immediately knew what I wanted to do!  I just started writing letters on each side with Sharpie, and viola!  Letter cubes that can be manipulated to make words.  Easy!

The next picture isn't really a project, per se, but I LOVE these magnets!  I found them at Target, and I love how they look like ransom notes and magazine lettering!  I always wanted to have kiddos cut letters out of magazines to spell words at school, but I had no idea how to keep my magazine supply nice and plump.  Now I don't even have to worry about it.  LOVE, LOVE, LOVE them!

While I'm off-topic and blabbing on and on about Target, let's take a looksie at another purchase, shall we?  I saw a cute pin for listening ears a while ago from Jennifer Jones.  (LOVE her!)   When I saw this headband in the party aisle, I knew I had to have it!  Yes, even third graders love to see their teachers act silly, and I totally plan on making the listening ears as a beginning of the year craftivity when I lay the groundwork for Reader's Workshop and active listening!  Check out my listening ears!

I found these mini-tools at the Dollar Tree, so I added them to my metacognition tool belts for  some extra flare and support during small group work!  :) Again, I use this with my metacognition tool kit
and Cindy Gilchrist's Toolbox of Strategies!  I also plan to use it with this fabulous free resource for synthesizing from Ms. Smarty Pants!

I love the little wooden critters they have at Pat Catans, and I know that there have been a lot of posts in the past about how to use them to create pointers, but I decided to make a "Brainstorm Box" instead.  Since they were 50 cents or less, I picked up a TON.  I wanted to have a concrete way for kids to think about topics to write about when they are feeling stuck, and I can't wait to use this with my kiddos! :)  I'm hoping it will be a fun way to spark idea generation!  You can pick up the label HERE if you think you can try this with your kiddos!

*Note: Pat Catans is a craft store.  :)  I didn't even think about it being a regional chain.  They are all over Ohio and Pennsylvania!  It's basically like a Hobby Lobby or Michael's. 

While I was at Pat Catans (our craft store), I also picked up several costumes/vests.  Even if you don't have a Pat Catans nearby, you could probably find them at your local craft store.  They are by Darice, and I am pretty sure that's a fairly large company.  I see their stuff all over the place.  Anyway,  I have passed the vests by so many times, and I always think, "Oh, that's cute, but that's too primary."  Seriously, I am such a primary teacher at heart, because I LOVE cutesy activities, and truly, third graders eat it up with a spoon.  Today, when I passed the vests, I was practically struck by lightning.  Maybe it was because of the brainstorm box idea.  Maybe having all of the wooden critters in my cart struck a nerve of some sort.  Whatever the reason, I realized how much fun it would be to put them in a center to practice reading with voice and showing point of view.  The vests were less than $2.00 each, so I couldn't pass them up.  Hi, my name is Amanda, and I am a teacher hoarder! ;)  You can download the label for this tub HERE, if you're interested!  I'd love to hear what you think! 

I think that this tub will be a HUGE complement to my Talking the Talk cards, and I cannot wait to launch all of these fun lessons this upcoming school year!  (Although, truthfully, I am not about to wish away the rest of my summer just yet!  I still have LOTS of projects to finish!)  

Lastly, before I throw in the blogging towel to spend a little bit of QT with my cutie on our official anniversary, and before I go on another blogging hiatus to spend some time with the in-laws, I want to share one last photograph of props too good to pass up!  I am so excited about my new chef hat that I'll be using with Cara's Cooking Up Compound Words bundle to review with my kiddos.  I might even break it out to do some Synonym Roll activities since the OAA puts a lot of weight on synonyms and antonyms.  So cute!  :)  Also, I picked up this cute surgical cap and mask for our contraction surgery later in the year.  I even picked up neon band-aids.  Friends, I am BEYOND READY for some rigor, relevance, and straight-up F-U-N!  :)  Have a fab week!  I'll be back soon-ish!  I'd love to hear your thoughts, so please babble away.  Do you have any other ideas for my goodies?  Any extensions?  Inquiring minds want to know!!!!


  1. I've been looking for those letters and can't find them anywhere. I can't even find them if I Google Flex Magnets. Is there any other information on the package? Is the brand FlexMagnets?

  2. I love those magnets! I put together little sets for my word work this year:) I got cute little magnetic boards so the kids could use those. I blogged about it on my Monday Made It this week:) Would love it if you would link up the cute things you have done today:)

    4th Grade Frolics

  3. I love the voice vests! However, I have not a clue what Pat Catans is!

    1. Thanks, Rachel! Pat Catans is a regional craft store. :)

  4. The listening ears are great!! I'm teaching 3rd next year, but I'm going to have the same students from last year. I think they would wonder what happened to me over the summer if I stopped being silly in the classroom, haha.

    Dirty Hands and Lesson Plans

    1. Thanks, Katie! :) I think that students totally need to see their teachers as real and relatable people. Silliness goes a long way! :)

  5. Great ideas! I love the idea of the vests for point of view! My third graders would love that too, but we don't have Pat Catans here....is that another dollar store?
    Thanks for sharing - you certainly had some creative inspirations today! Love it when that happens!

    1. Thanks! Pat Catans is a regional craft store in Ohio and Pennsylvania. I always assumed they were more large-scale, because we have a TON here. :) I just learned that is not the case! Ha!

  6. I love your voice cards! I bet that is too entertaining to watch! :)

    1. Thanks, Katie! :) Kids love to pretend... and this is just one academic way to sneak it in!

  7. What wonderfully creative ideas you have. I love the reading toolkits. I cant wait to use of the ideas from your blog with my second graders. Thanks for the ideas! Hope you can hop over a visit my blog when you can.


    1. Thank you, Diane! I'll definitely stop by to take a look when I get an extra minute! My in-laws are in town! :)

  8. I love the listening ears!! Those vests are also so cute!! I can think of so many things to do with them. I am going to have to look for those! :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  9. Voice vests and talking the talk cards! SO CUTE! What a great idea.
    ❤Dragonflies in First ❤

  10. Such amazing ideas. I love being silly with my third graders, but I don't do it nearly enough. I'm going to have to search for some of these awesome props in my neighborhood.

  11. Thanks for sharing all of these great ideas. I just pinned the brainstorm box so that I can remember to make one soon. Enjoy the rest of your summer.

    ✰ Stacy

    Simpson Superstars

  12. I saw those cubes today at the Dollar Tree! I knew I could have come up with something for them, but I was focusing on another project coming soon to Teach on a Limb.


  13. Dollar Tree and Michael's here I come! These are great ideas, Amanda. Thank you for sharing.I love those foam cubes and the brain box. The hunt is on! After going in my room the last two days my brain and body are done. I needed an off campus project today. Now I have one. Thank you! Have a fun mini break with the fam!

  14. I have to tell you that you inspire me. I love all of your creative ideas.

  15. I love all of your ideas! Looks like you got some really fun stuff!

  16. I'm going to use those foam blocks for my word work stations - great idea!

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade

  17. Love the listening ears! SO cute!!

  18. The Voice Vests are a terrific idea!
    How cute!


  19. I LOVE your Brainstorm Box and Voice Vests!
    Can't wait to give those a try with my firsties!

    Ms. Marciniak's First Grade Critter Cafe

  20. You are such a creative shopper (why am I not surprised??). Thanks for linking up Amanda!

  21. I have the foam cubes that the Target dollar spot had a couple years back and was running out. So glad Dollar Tree has them! I love all the fun stuff you use for reading. I'd love to be in your class!

    I Heart Teaching Elementary

  22. My kids would love this. Simple superb post.Purchase Agreements

  23. The difference between you and me? I saw the foam cubes at the Dollar Tree and did not know how to use them! ;) You are a rock star!

  24. I saw those foam cubes and thought "What can I do with those???". Thanks so much for the idea, I'm heading back to buy them now:)
    The Common Core Classroom

  25. I had to go buy some foam cubes!!! :) I love your blog and all your ideas!

  26. This post rocks. I'm heading out for the foam cubes, but we're going to stamp with them (mosaic style)... Love those Target magnets, too. You make me almost want to be regular classroom again. ;)

  27. Thanks Amanda for your great ideas! I wish I had a Catan's where I live. :( I also have some reading tools. You can check them out on my blog @ swimminginsecond.blogspot.com. I was going to offer them for free but I can't because of the copyright license. They are only $1 though. Thanks again!:)

  28. I absolutely love your idea for writing letters on the sides of those foam cubes! I'm always looking for other fun word work activities and that is just PERFECT. Thanks for sharing, I found your blog through the Summer Shopping Linky Party and am your newest follower. I'm a new blogger, hop on over to my blog if you get a chance :). Can't wait to see more fun ideas!
    Teacher Wife

  29. You are so great! I wish I lived closer to target!
