Monday, January 9, 2012

Another Resume?

Ugh.  Reduction in Force.  Those are three scary words.  I was essentially kicked in the gut by those three words earlier this afternoon.  There's some advice floating around:  "If you have five years or less in this district, you may want to work on your resumes, just in case."  As of right now, I am pretty sure that there is a big fat zero next to my name for years of experience.  I left five years behind me in my other district.  I knew I would start out as a low-man on the totem pole, but it was a risk I was willing to take.  It's kind of a bummer that my experience doesn't mean a thing.  My test scores don't mean a thing.  The leadership positions I have been in mean nothing.  I am a zero.  That's basically what it amounts to, and so I'm throwing myself a pity party, and you're invited!

Here's the deal.  I LOVE my old district, and I ADORE the people in it.  I made a move to balance out my life more, to be closer to home, and to work where I could send my future mini-Nickersons.  I am not a rolling stone.  I am... a tree.  I like to dig up nice deep roots and stay a while.  Truth be told, I am a pretty happy tree. This brings back memories of Rob Ross, but in all seriousness,  I like where I've been planted.  I'm really happy in my school with my teammates.  I really don't want to be uprooted.  At all. 

Right now, as I type this, I am a teacher in turmoil.  {Dramatic, eh?}  Seriously though, I type this to save my husband a whole lot of hysterics when he gets home.  I know you all live in my world.  My little happy tree world.  Besides, he already has a headless rabbit friend to retrieve from our yard when he gets here. I'm making an attempt to save him from my tree metaphors.  He would roll his eyes if I told him that I am like a tree swaying in the wind... teetering... falling.  Ha.  Yes, this is the theatrical side of me.  I prefer to call it poetic language, because it makes me sound intentional and profound.  Truly though, this is the neurotic side of me.  The real, insecure, worrying side of me. 

I know... money doesn't grow on trees... not even strongly rooted ones.  I know that we are all experiencing financial storms that will shake more than a few branches.  I also know that it will be okay.  I do.  No matter what happens.  I am probably completely overreacting.  I know it.  I also know that my school district will make the right decisions, whatever that may be, and that they will do what's best for the district.  I have no doubts that they will do everything they can to keep everyone they can and do what's best for children.  That's why I am a happy tree, and that's why I want to grow strong roots where I've been planted.  And so, I will trust that God will guide me through this, like he has guided me through so many other storms.  This too shall pass.


  1. Ugh. Those words fill me with terror on your behalf. I've recently been through this, too. Remember, it will all work out eventually. Just keep the faith. Good luck!!

  2. Sorry to hear that! I can't believe your years of experience don't count, even though it's a new district. Where I live, once you have your professional certificate, you essentially do not have to worry about not finding a job. We had lots of cuts in the past, but our district always puts the money into teachers and cuts other jobs that don't have a direct impact on the classroom. Everything will work out and there's still a long way to go until the end of the year. Keep your head up!

    Living A Wonderful Life

  3. I was going to leave you some Pollyanna-ish comment about how it'll all turn out roses and sunshine in the end, but instead I'm going to tell you how courageous it was to put your heart out there and share with us your worries and your pain. So real and so genuine.

    Prayers coming your way.


  4. You cracked me up!!!! My hubby says that since I started blogging I haven't shared a single school story with him! {and to all of you bloggy buddies he is so very thankful}.
    Take a deep breath. Its tough out there in every district. The education systems is going through some tough times. Keep your faith!

    ❤ Mor Zrihen from...
    A Teacher's Treasure
    Teaching Treasures Shop

  5. It is so hard to put your heart and soul into something you care so much about and have it turn around you. I wish you the best. These will be a couple tough months ahead.
    Sending good thoughts your way.
    ❁Beth Ann❁
    Taming My Flock of Firsties

  6. Amanda, I totally feel your pain and your heart about this! Last year around this time people from the board came to talk to my school about the same took all I could do not to cry during the meeting! Sadly, I lost my job after last school year and I am still looking. I agree with you that experience and high test scores should mean something-- not just the years in the district. From your blog posts, I wish I could spend a day in your class! LOL! Keep the faith girl! I'll say a special prayer for you!


  7. Oh my! That is terrible! I'm sure that they realize that you are an amazing teacher and they would be completely crazy to lose you. I'll be thinking good thoughts for you!

    Swimming into Second

  8. ((hugs)) That has to be a terrible thing to hear- I was pink slipped my first year, (for real... they didn't ask me back) and I shutter to even remember what that felt like! =)
    Hoping it all works out!!
    First Grade Blue SKies

  9. Not a good feeling to hear those words. We are moving closer to my husbands job this summer and I essentially will have to change jobs because we will be moving an hour away. This terrifies me to no end as I am so afraid that I will be sent packing after the first year because they cut jobs. The education world is not in a good place right now and although I hope it gets better soon, I'm afraid it's not.

  10. :( Been there. Done that. Not fun. :( You are in my thoughts and prayers. I admire you for sticking to your faith!


  11. Aww...honey..{{hugs}} and good thoughts are being sent your way! Have faith...everything will work out in the end.


  12. Oh dear! Good luck Amanda. They are cutting year nine teachers here and I am year ten! Craziness. Many of my good friends lost their jobs. The only thing I can say to you is good luck, I am sure it will turn out ok.

  13. I'm sorry! Praying for seems teachers are losing their jobs all over the place:,( You are right, God is in control and He will carry your through this...let Him:)

    4th Grade Frolics

  14. Classes are stuffed over compliance with 25+ students and we continue to cut teachers. It just doesn't make since. The kids are the ones that truly suffer.

    I wish you the best!!


  15. I know exactly how you feel because I have this dilemma every single year! I will always be a yearly contracted teacher because I switched counties and will never be "professionally contracted/tenure". I feel like I'm on the cutting board but I'm thankful I've always had a job and always ended up in the right place! Good luck you'll be in my thoughts and prayers!
    Rambling About Reading

  16. So sorry to hear that Amanda! I've been a follower of your blog for the past year. I appreciate your willingness to share your experiences. I'm crossing my fingers for you! Good thoughts are being sent your way.

    Michelle - Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

  17. I was there last year when they told us the day before Thanksgiving break that our school was one of five closing. As time went on things got better and we actually "merged" with another school (but had to interview against our teammates) for few positions. The district wound up finding jobs for everyone but it was 6 months of craziness. Hopefully it will turn out ok for you as well, best of luck!

  18. Oh, Amanda. My heart breaks for you. I'm from Ohio too and the way we fund our schools scares me. Luckily, my district recently passed a levy, but I'm scared about what happens after that. But this isn't about me, it's about YOU! I've been in your position before and you've got the right attitude. Jeremiah 29:11 and Proverbs 3:5-6 were what got me through those times. Please keep us posted on this situation.

  19. I am so sorry to hear this. You are such a great motivator of others (and Im sure your students) Its hard to understand WHY they RIF teachers. Who will teach the children?? What happens to them!! What happens to us?

    Hugs!! (what a terrible happy new years gift! :( )

  20. I will keep you in my thoughts!!!! Everything happens for a reason, I hope. :)

    Marvelous Multiagers!

  21. Ugh. I hate that you are going through this. Just keep faith that it will all work out for you soon! {Hugs}

    Good luck!
    Mrs. Lirette's Learning Detectives

  22. Awww... my heart hurts for you. I understand the turmoil. It's heart to put everything you have into something and leave it up to people who have no idea about how awesome you are. The teaching profession is a scary place right now. You're in my thoughts.

    Randi @ Teach It With Class
    My TPT Store
    My Facebook Page

  23. Sending thought and prayers your way. Maybe enough folks will retire so you will be safe.


    Queen with Class

  24. I admire you for staying positive! Just remember, the rumors are always worse than the reality, at least in my district! We;ve been hearing those words for 3 years now and each year we manage to stave off any real job loss through retirements and shifting of personnel. By the way, I have no idea who Bob Ross is, going to have to go google the Happy Tree thing now!

    Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten

  25. Amanda,

    I was in the same boat a couple years ago and it's not easy...but I do know that everything does happen for a reason (as much as I hated it when people told me that) and you will end up where you need to be. Try not to let it "ruin" the time you have with your kiddos. Hang in there!


  26. God bless your little heart Amanda! Praying that this situation will all be OK and you can find peace in your heart knowing it is completely out of your control. I am sure the administration in your school appreciates all your extra efforts.

  27. Amanda,
    :( How SCARY! You will be in my thoughts. Good luck! At least working on a resume will cheer you up a little. You can just brag about yourself! Gosh- I'll do it for you! :)

    I will be crossing my fingers that you get to keep your roots.

    I LOVE the Bob Ross shirt. I totally need to buy that and I will forever think of you when I wear it.... daily. :)


  28. I'm so sorry! I'd love to work with you, so head over to Utah and apply!!!

    Here's the crazy thing about Utah:

    It doesn't matter the amount of years you have. Our legislature got rid of that! A principal can decide who he wants to do a "reduction in force" to. CRAZY, right?

    Just keep your head up and've still got TpT! :)

  29. Bless your heart! I just said a prayer for you. Remember, everything happens for a reason even if we don't understand right now.

    Jamie at 2nd Grade Stuff

  30. These is such a hard time for teachers. I am sorry you are going through a hard time.
    Best, Amanda

  31. I hate those 3 words! They have been coming up quietly in our district lately (even though our levy passed) and I hate it! I hope everything works out for you. My district had a huge RIF last year and I ended up getting a new job (in the same district). Everything works out!

  32. H! I'm Melissa, a fellow blogger, teacher, and avid reader of your awesome blog! Mine is ( I'm a finalist in a wedding contest in STL and need all of the help I can get from the blogging and teaching community to win! You can vote for me and my fiance Kolby(Couple3) unlimited here through Sunday night at 9:00 PM and text COUPLE3 to 59898 up to ten times a day for free! If you could vote, pass on to your readers/coworkers/facebook/anyone you know...a fellow teacher would appreciate it! :)

  33. Hi, Amanda! I was RIF'ed last year from my school district. I had 5 years also, but it was spread around so I was a big fat nothing. They said our test scores would mean something and teacher evaluations would mean something...but they didn't. My hire date did... 45 of us lost our jobs. :( BUT.... I am now in the neighboring district and was very sought after because of where I came from. My district was very successful, so others said "Oh, their loss, our GAIN!" Pray, pray, pray. God never gives you more you can handle. Your blog is amazing and you are amazing. You will find something amazing!

  34. I totally feel your pain, I became a stay at home mom 5 years ago. I now have 2 children 5 and
    3. I tried to get a job this summer and was led to believe that I would be hired. Then the dreaded call came. I have 15 years experience, my masters, and national board certification and I was told by the principal that the district would not let her hire me because I was too expensive. Then I was told that they could hire 2 brand new right out of school inexperienced teachers for what I would cost. I totally did not even know how to respond. So sorry for your situation. I will keep you in my prayers.
