Wednesday, December 21, 2011

hearAll Assessment Recorder: WINNER!!!!

Hallelujah friends!  We are officially on break as of tonight, and I am so beyond excited!  Soon enough, I will be back at school and working on my Masters capstone.  It's nice to know that I have almost two weeks to catch my breath, work ahead a little, and of course, relax for once.  :)  I say this now, but relaxing is really not in my nature, so I am sure I will find a plethora of ways to occupy my time.  Please tell me that I'm not the only one!  I seriously have already self-diagnosed myself with OCD, but quite honestly, I just know that my holiday break will be more like a holiday planning period.  {Just sayin'.}  What do you plan on doing with your time off?

I could seriously write a book about how the past three days panned out, but let's just say, it was interesting.  I was a little grinchier than normal, but apparently it went unnoticed.  While working on Santa similes, one student wrote "Santa Claus is as nice as Mrs. Nickerson."  Ha!  Just when you think you're being stern, someone has to go and throw a curveball like that one.  :)   I thought for sure that I had perfected the teacher look over the past six years, but I may need to continue working on  it.  I'll just go ahead and add that to my holiday to-do list.

Okay, now that I am on break, I finally have time to post the winner or the hearAll Assessment Recorder from Learning Resources!  Yay, right?  The lucky lady is...

Congratulations, Emily!!!!  Please email me so that I can put you in touch with Learning Resources to ensure that you receive your new classroom resource promptly!  Please let me know how you use it with your kiddos!  :) 

  Happy Holidays bloggy friends!


  1. Congrats on making it to holiday break! Don't aren't alone. I always look at this break as a much needed planning time too!

    Enjoy your time off!
    Mary Lirette

  2. I'm planning some too it seems! I found your blog today. I'm doing my researching now I suppose because I go back to work in January and start back to school in January and I know if I need to print anything or make anything I need to do it now. Glad you've made it the break!

  3. Merry Christmas!!!! Hope you're enjoying a day full of love & laughter surrounded by loved ones!!!

    I've got your Christmas gift waiting for you!!!!! Come unwrap it ♥

    ❤ Mor Zrihen ❤
    A Teacher's Treasure

  4. Are you taking your well deserved break Amanda?
    I'm constantly busy but not getting anything completed...need to finish one thing before I start another. Distracted by all these fun blogs to read. Hope your break is going well!
    Doris @thirdgradethinkers8
