Thursday, November 3, 2011

An Unexpected Happy Dance

O.M.Goodness!  I was just flipping through the digital version of Scholastic's Winter 2011 edition of Instructor magazine... and I saw my name.  I was like, "Wait?!  Is that me, or is it another Amanda Nickerson?"  As it turns out, it's me!  I had responded to a prompt on Facebook a LONG time ago.  Someone asked, "What do I do when an 11-year old student complains an assignment is 'stupid'? She often says things like "Do we really have to do this?' Reminding her that assignments are graded isn't helpful."  I responded, "Make it relevant.  Help the student see why that skill is important and cite examples from the 'real world'.  Maybe explain a few careers that require that kind of knowledge."  Holy Batman!  I can't even place when it was.  It was literally MONTHS ago!   Apparently they decided to publish my advice, because there it was!  It was a big surprise, and because you are all teachers who will understand how excited I was about this, I had to share!  HAPPY DANCE!


  1. Congrats!!! I haven't received my new magazine yet!!! I'll look for you!!! You are awesome!

  2. Always a great feeling :) Congrats!

  3. Congratulations! Something else to add to your professional portfolio :)

  4. How fun is that? And GREAT advice, too! Congrats.

  5. Woohoo! That's so awesome! I posted a picture of "The Sisters", my coworker and me at a conference about the CAFE on Facebook and my teacher-friends were the only ones that understood how awesome it was. Anyway, I'll be looking for the article as soon as I get it! :)

  6. Congrats! Do you think it's a magazine worth getting?

  7. That's great! Teacher's have to take the kudos where they find them.

  8. That's so cool, but no surprise to me! You are awesome Amanda!!

  9. Hi Amanda:

    I'm not surprised either. I love your blog!

    Here's long-ago proof... Go to:


     Finding JOY in 6th Grade

  10. What a fun surprise! Congrats!

    ❤ Mor Zrihen ❤
    A Teacher's Treasure
