Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving Schema Chart

Today is Cyber Monday, and instead of doing a ton of online shopping on my day "off"... I will be tying up some loose ends to get ready for school tomorrow.  I won't lie, my short little Turkey Day break was wonderful.  I actually dug deep enough to stay away from my computer and my school work for several days.  {Gasp!}  Yes, it helped that I was in southern Maryland with my in-laws, and yes it helped that I spent an entire day at the Pentagon City Mall in D.C. zigzagging around frenzied Black Friday shoppers, but yes, I still feel a little proud of myself for avoiding the urge to work on my break.  I definitely feel rested... and I totally needed the mental break... or I may have had a mental breakDOWN.  However, as I sit here at my desk hunkering down for a LONG day of planning and school stuff, I sort of wish I had broken it into little baby chunks.  :)  Ohhhhhhh welllllll.

On to the next order of business.  I added a new file to my TpT store.  I know you're probably shocked, because I haven't been adding much of anything this year.  So, once more, I am going to apologize to anyone who has made a request recently.  I would LOVE to be able to create goodies for you, but the truth is, I have been incredibly non-stop busy since school has started.  As much as I love creating resources and blogging, it has had to take a back seat to learning my core curriculum and spending time with my hubs.  :)   As teachers, I'm sure you understand.  Some years are just HECTIC.  I sort of knew that this year would be since I took a new position in a new school district, but I underestimated just how nuts it would be.  I love it at my new home away from home {school}, but I definitely need to get my feet under me before I can put the kind of time into the extras.  :)  If you are still reading my little blog, THANK YOU!  I appreciate that you haven't jumped ship this year... because I know I had a lot more going on here last year. The good news is... I am almost half-way through this year, and I will hopefully be wrapping up my Masters soon-ish.  That means that I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, and hopefully next year I can be a LOT more creative... like the good ole' days! {Can I even say "the good ole' days when I've only been teachng six years?!}

Okay, so here's the deal with the new file.  It is an eight page file to create your own Thanksgiving Schema Chart...Debbie Miller style.  I used to scribble these out myself over and over again, and draw pictures to fancy it up, then I saw Kim Adsit and Deanna Jump's charts.  They changed my life.  Well, my teaching life anyway. They helped me realize that typing headers and titles up makes everything pretty and practical, because now I can make a chart in one minute flat.  I've been doing this for a year now, and I will never turn back.  :)  We created our chart with the "Colonial America" heading, but you can choose from "Thanksgiving", "The Pilgrims", "Native Americans", and "Turkeys" too.  I know that this delightful holiday has come and gone, but hey!  You can always tuck it into the file for next year!  The Droid X photograph doesn't give it justice... but here's a little snapshot of the finished product!  If you're interested, you can snag the file HERE!  Plus, it's on SALE with everything else in my store!

Please forgive my smeary white board.  This is what real life looks like!  :)

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