Sunday, October 23, 2011

Calling All Ohio Friends!

I would love to get together with other teacher bloggers, and I know there are a lot of Ohioans out there in blogland.  I would be 101% giddy if we would get together and chat about (what else?) teaching before our inevitable snow starts to fall... and accumulate!  I would be happy to plan a little get-together around the Akron/Canton area sometime before the holidays.  Thoughts?!  If you're interested, shoot an email my way! 


  1. OH man.... I'm from Canton, Ohio, but live in South Carolina now. I would have loved to go... sounds fun!

  2. I'm from OHIO but live in NC now :(

  3. WISH I LIVED IN OHIO!!!!!!!!!
    whattheteacherwants.blogspot. om

  4. I'm from Toledo, Ohio but now I live in Northwest Michigan, like 4 hours from Toledo!

  5. I lived in Toledo, Ohio and now live in Concord, North Carolina. Anyone going home to OH for the Holidays? Maybe we could make a pit stop:)

  6. I'm up for it! I live west of Toledo - close to Michigan and close to Indiana. Right in the corner. ;)

  7. I'm from Ohio--a little farther south than Canton--but meeting fellow bloggers (getting motivated with better ideas) would be fun!

    First Grade and Fabulous

  8. LOL... you know I am not from Ohio, but maybe I can drive up during the summer. You never know. I do plan on traveling... a lot... this coming summer. :) - Victoria

  9. Amanda,

    You know I am just around the corner from you in Massillon, (Jackson Township). I don't know if you saw on my blog or not, I am now a mommy as of Sept. 22nd!!! Depending upon when a date is set, I might be able to meet for a few hours. That would help me get back into the "bloggin' groove"! I have been MIA with my precious little one. (but it's worth it!)

    Kim from :

  10. I'm from Canton, but in Cincinnati now-I would love to try and meet up!

  11. I am not a blogger but a blog stalker! I live in Coshocton County.. let me know what is up and I will see how my schedule is. Make sure to VOTE NO on ISSUE 2 !!

  12. We are from FINDLAY, OHIO...would love to meet up sometime and meet our blogging friends!! Let us know

  13. I am near Alliance, like 20 minutes from Canton. =)

  14. Yes! I am in Columbiana, an hour east of Canton.

  15. Hello everyone! I am doing some major blog catch up this week and just noticed this post. I am from the Toledo area would love to get together! I do not have my own blog yet, but I do have a classroom website ( Please let me know if a gathering gets planned! --Katie (
