Thursday, July 14, 2011

It's official...

I will officially be teaching 3rd grade in a district closer to my home next year, and it is really bittersweet.  I am really excited to be a part of my new district, but it's sad to leave my current team members behind {and our brand new building with an air conditioner}. :)  In all seriousness, I  spent four wonderful years with so many wonderful colleagues and a supportive administration.  They were like a school family to me, but I'm ready for a new chapter in my life and career. I know that this move will be the best for my family. I was offered the job yesterday, and since then, I've basically gone over the deep end.  I ran to my current classroom to start sorting my own materials from district materials for a few hours.

Then, today, after I had surgery in the morning and went to visit my dad in the hospital, I came back home and started to research Reading Street more to prepare for the impending school year.  I actually fell asleep with my fingers and head on my laptop from the anesthesia and pain medication.  Sad, but true!  I'm trying not to think about how time consuming it will be to pack, move, and set up a brand new classroom.  {As a sidenote, this will be the 5th time I have switched classrooms in the 6 years I've had one!  I'm sure you can imagine my excitement.}  I went ahead and whipped up labels for a Focus Board to correlate with Reading Street.  It could be easily used with any basal series or even Reader's Workshop.  I'm still turning gears in my head about how to keep my workshop going with the basal series.  I just can't ever relax.  It's a blessing and a curse!  Help yourself to a copy if you think you can use it!  Let me know what you think!  Thanks for following me!  I can't believe I hit 1,000 followers!


  1. Congratulations! If you haven't checked out this site you need to! Reading Street materials!

  2. Popping by to say Hi. You were spotlighted in my Blog Mixer Linky Party.

    Yearn to Learn Blog

  3. Congratz on your new opportunity. I live very close to my school, and it has truly been a blessing. The focus wall labels are adorable.

  4. Sounds like we're in a similar situation going into next year. For the past 4 years I have taught in a charter school and worked without a basal reader. This coming school year I'm making a change to a new school and new grade. I will be teaching 3rd grade and I am most nervous about meshing Reading Street with Reading Workshop. I look forward to reading about your ideas!!!

    Blackboard and Beyond

  5. Congrats to you! Don't sweat it, Reading Street is a wonderful series and you will be able to adapt it to what you do. I did D5 with it and it fit without a hitch. Dont over- do it, you don't want to get sick and have to go back to the hospital. I had a co-worker have that happen to her. She was out most of the school year due to complications because she didn't follow the doctor's instructions and started doing things before she was supposed to.

    Take care and REST!


  6. Congratulations! I wish you the best of luck on your new journey in a new school district! I am moving my classroom too this year (from 2nd grade to 5th grade)! So much to do an so little time! Thank you so much for sharing all of your wonderful resources and creations! Your new school district is blessed to have you! :-)

  7. Congrats!! Your new school is VERY lucky to have you :)

  8. I look forward to your ideas on meshing the Reading Street with Reading Workshop. We also use Reading Street but I am wanting to try workshop this year. Congrats on your job!!


  9. Amanda,

    Congratulations! That's exciting to get a job closer to home. I don't know if you remember me, but we e-mailed back in early June about your School Survival Guide. I'm from Oregon. I understand about your feelings of leaving your school. I am being transferred to another school and changing grades. I went from 4th to 3rd two years ago and now 1st grade. I was in the same school for 9 years and have found this hard.

    I look forward to reading how you adjust to your new school situtation. I'm sure you will do a great job! I also hope you are doing well after having surgery.

    I did just start a blog, but I'm in the learning stages of how to use it.

    The Teacher's Jungle

  10. Congratulations on securing a position for the fall! I can't believe that you have moved so much in your teaching career. I wish you lots of luck on dividing the materials and settling in before school starts.

  11. Thanks for the focus wall inspiration...
    Which SF Reading Street edition is your school using? '08 or '12?

    My district uses the '08 and there's a lot of 'stuff' out there.

    Good Luck

    A Time to Share & Create


    Fabulous 4th Grade

  12. Thanks for the signs! Good luck to you!

  13. Reading Street resource

  14. Congrats on your new job and hitting 1000 followers.

    Ms. M
    Ms.M's Blog
    A Teacher's Plan

  15. Congrats Amanda! I'm so glad you'll be staying in 3rd. You're always an inspiration to me in my 3rd grade classroom. :)
    ❤Jodi from...
    ★★The Clutter-Free Classroom★★
    Helping Teachers Get Organized

  16. Oh Amanda, I can really relate. I have also switched classrooms 5 times in 6 years, and have only been in the same position for more than a year twice. I also had surgeries two Augusts and did the same as you, running right into the classroom! Make sure you take a little break, and congrats!

    Miss B, Busy Bee

  17. Congratulations! Welcome to gr. 3, I;m doing 2/3 split next year and moved in my 14 years several times so I understand how you feel about moving so much. You'll be great. Hope you and your dad are better. Look forward to hearing from you. Mary

  18. Congratulations. I am sure that you will be fantastic in your new position. It's hard to leave, but like you said it is a new chapter in your life that will be filled with even more special memories. Hope you are feeling better!

  19. Third grade is such a great age group to teach!!

    First Grade Factory

  20. you are SO funny!! that comment made me laugh!!
    you know what is funny about your new position (congrats by the way)...I had a dream that you and I were working together on the same team and were flipping out because we met each other for real. ha ha ha. Maybe this means we should work together over the net some time!! hehehe =)
    mrs tabb

  21. Congratulations on your new job! I'm selfishly happy that you're back in 3rd, but I'm sure you'll be fantastic wherever you are! I totally understand now being able to relax-it really is a blessing and a curse:)

  22. Congrats! There are a ton of Reading Street resources out there! I can't wait read about your new experiences!
    Once Upon A Teaching Blog
