Monday, June 13, 2011

Will You be my Guinea Pigs?!

I've just finished typing up a really long document for my workshop.  Of course, I'll talking in more detail about Lucy Calkins' Units of Study for Teaching Writing and Writer's Workshop in general, but I tried to make a nice resource packet for the participants.  I have been typing for so long that I have to quit for the day, so I thought I'd post the resource for anyone who's interested.  It gives lots of information about my approach to writing which is something I've been asked about quite a bit in emails.  So, hopefully this will give you a better glimpse into my classroom. The last three pages are three documents I created to teach memoirs, because I plan on doing an interactive activity with the teachers at my two sessions.  If you take a look at the document, I would LOVE feedback.  I really want to make sure that I make the writing session worthwhile for everyone in attendance, so I figured that I'd make you my guinea pigs!  If In addition to this resource, I created an anchor chart PowerPoint and have compiled a few sample mini-lessons from the UofS website.  I will have both sets of books, several mentor texts and additional resources that obviously aren't in this post, but I want to primarily see what you all think of the packet.  Please let me know what you think! This is my very first workshop, and I am super nervous.  It's a big one! Thanks in advance! 


  1. I tried to access your file, but it didn't allow me??

    Yearn to Learn Blog

  2. Hmmm... it worked for me. It also worked when I emailed the county coordinator the link for review. It's set up to allow anyone with the link to access it. I'll add it here too:

  3. I tried it again and it worked this time. The first time it gave a message about "not being able to view or retrieve".
    Got it now. Looks like you've been busy.

    Yearn to Learn Blog

  4. My scattered thoughts:
    I like that you didn't try to cram all your information into a couple of pages. Clip art makes a huge difference in how people view reading material.
    I love "When you are done, you've just begun." My fast writers have always been a struggle for me this year.
    The examples of student writing were great. I am guessing they were 3rd grade? Are they to be used as examples? Do you use rubrics?
    I'm intrigued about your anchor charts. I wish I could see some examples.
    You seem well prepared and enthusiastic. Don't stress it you will do well.
    Life with Mrs. L

  5. This looks amazing! I wish I could be in your workshop!
    I'm ashamed to say I have the complete set of books but haven't used them. EEK! Maybe this will be the push I needed.

  6. I will gladly read through this. We used Lucy Calkins, plus before teaching I edited and read through things all day long and loved it ;) Don't be nervous! I have so many of your wonderful items. They're fabulous. I need tips from YOU!
    - Sydney
    Lessons Learned

  7. The first time I tried to read the file, I got the "You don't have permission to access" message. But I immediately tried it again and it opened up. The lesson: if this file doesn't open up the first time, just try it again and all will be well. :)

  8. Hi Amanda,

    Your files look wonderful. I am glad you put it all together is such a teacher friendly way. I hope the info I emailed you a while back helped you. I never got a response so I don't know if you got the email or not.

    Anyway, this looks great.

    Ms. M
    Ms.M's Blog
    A Teacher's Plan

  9. This looks fantastic! I use post its for my conferences too. It's a time saver and my first graders read them over and over. (Post its are like gold for some reason) I especially like that you put examples of high, average, low for your writing. So many teachers struggle with that!

    Rowdy in First Grade

  10. Hi Amanda! I'm so happy that you posted about Writer's Workshop...I really want to try it out with my firsties this year. I'm actually working on gathering mini-lessons and learning more about the whole process. Thanks for sharing this with's absolutely amazing!


  11. Amanda, Wow! Great job! I have conducted many workshops and love that you have organized this so well. I also love the idea that you believe in this so much that you paid for the curriculum yourself. (Ouch! But you are a girl after my own heart! If it helps our students, we will buy it.) I love that your participants will have a chance to experience a lesson with you (if I am understanding the last three pages correctly).

    One suggestion: The chart on the fifth page is really confusing for me. The titles at the top of each column don't seem to match what is in each column. The middle column doesn't seem to mean much since it is the same (more or less) for each row. BUT I don't have you in front of me to explain the chart so take my words with a grain of salt. I am reading it in isolation.

    Except for that one chart, every page is clear and really, really, really makes me want to buy this curriculum. (Hmmm ... is there some way you could get a portion of the sale???)

    Keep in mind that the best part of the workshop will be your belief in this writing model. You will be sharing from your heart and your head about it. Our bottom line as teachers is always, "Does it work for you?" I wish you lived near me so that I could go to your workshop!!!

  12. I agree with the previous comments about how well prepared you are and that the material is very organized and easy to follow.

    I think I noticed one typo on page 6 it says "a 2-5 minutes"

    I know you have put your husband on proofreading staff but I figure the more eyes the better :-)

    Good luck - You'll be great!

  13. It all looks great! I love how festive it is- that would keep me focused during a workshop. Wish I could be there!

    Check out my giveaway:

  14. Hi Amanda,

    I think it looks amazing. Very professional. I I were to offer any feedback it would be that I think you need to credit the clipart if it is not your own original artwork. You're workshop will be outstanding. :) Jodi (Clutter-Free Classroom)

  15. I remember my first presentation. I swear I didn't sleep for a week before thinking of all the details. Your presentation looks fabulous and you are going to do a beautiful job becuase you KNOW what you are teaching and have put it into practice in your classroom. Good luck! :)
    Curls and a Smile

  16. Thanks for sharing!! It looks great. We use LC too and last year was my first year. This presentation would have really helped me and I could see many elements that would benefit me and my K students. Best of luck. You will do great!!

  17. Wow! That is awesome. I may even be changing a few of my WW ideas. Thanks so much for sharing!

  18. I enjoyed both of them and I think they will be great resources! I will definitely be using these ideas in my writing curriculum next year.

  19. I think you do a good job of breaking a huge amount of information into manageable chunks. I use the K-2 version of Calkins and L-O-V-E it! I wish someone had broken it down for me, like you have, when I first started. Break a leg in your presentation!

  20. I agree with tmarie! Great job girl! I love that you included so many pictures. A picture speaks 1,000 words! You are going to KNOCK the socks off of all of the participants and they are going to be so excited about getting started. Let us know how it goes!

  21. AWESOME!! As a first year teacher, this will be just what I need!!! LOVE IT!
    You wouldn't happen to have the simile charts on file would you??? I would LOVE a copy!


  22. Thank you so much for the awesome resource! I wish I could attend your workshop too :) I would love to see the anchor chart power point!

  23. This is awesome! Thank you so much for sharing. You were able to break it down in a way that isn't overwhelming + clip art makes me happy!

  24. You did an awesome job! The information was organized so well. Love the clip art and student examples too! Thanks for posting!

  25. Wow! Thank you X 10! I am going to pass your link to our 3-5 literacy coach! Well said!

    Mrs. Wills Kindergarten

  26. This document makes the Lucy Calkins approach more reasonable. Many find, including myself, that the books are designed in a way that can be confusing, especially when designing lessons. I love that you took the time to dissect the main ideas in a simple, yet creative format. Kuddos!

  27. I would love to take a look at this. The links do not work for me (the one you originally posted and the one in your comment). Not sure why it won't load.

  28. I have been teaching through the "Units of Study" for years. This is very concise and easy to understand. Great Job!

  29. This looks wonderful! I am going to look through it this summer as a prepare for a huge grade level change - down to first grade. In 2009 - 2010 the teachers in my school were trained with about 5 or 6 sessions from a teacher in the district who was trained in the Lucy Calkins' materials. I have used the parts I know with my third graders. I like all of the clip art and color on your handouts. I know that would be nice to look at for the participants.

    I just love your work and hope I can use it as I change grades to first grade.

  30. Wow! This is an amazing resource. I was amazed that it was free. I am planning on using WW next yearin my class, and this just made me feel a million times more confident! Thank you! I would love to see the anchor chart power point!

  31. What a fantastic resource! I'm a big fan of Writer's Workshop, and I'll definitely use your ideas in my classroom!

    Sally from ElementaryMatters

  32. This looks fabulous. Thanks for sharing this with us. I did have one problem, some pages are blurry and unreadable.
