Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Inferring Character Traits!

I've been insanely busy, so I haven't had much time to delve into creating any units lately, and my Debbie Diller book has been on hold until I know what grade I'm teaching next year and what subjects I'll be teaching.  So, I've just sort of dabbled here and there.  I can't wait to kick it into a higher gear once I find out what next year has in store for me.

In the process of cleaning out files and dabbling,  I've recreated two documents that were influenced by Beth Newingham... the queen of third grade.  {I totally want to be like Beth when I grow up! She is so innovative without compromising rigor or relevance, and I am continually amazed by her ideas.}  The documents can be used to teach how to infer character traits by studying action and dialogue in mentor texts.  This is a great way to scaffold students towards showing and not telling in their own writing as well!  I hope you can find them useful! Just click the links to access the documents!

Thank you to everyone who commented about Reading Street and basals yesterday!  If I make it through to a second interview, I will most likely have more questions!  :)  Today's the BIG DAY!  I think I can... I think I can.. I think I can!


  1. Thanks!! Inferring can be a difficult concept!
    Good luck, btw!!
    First Grade Blue SKies

  2. these are great!!! thanks so much!!! and GOOD LUCK!!! I know you will do awesome...just show them your BLOG ;) and I sure hope later today after you ROCK your interview... you can stop by my blog and enter my give-away :)

  3. Amanda,
    Thanks for the freebies! I love anything on inferring that I can get my hands on! Check out my freebie over at Life's a Teach!!

  4. These are really cute! Thanks for sharing!

    And I want to be like Beth when I grow up, too. I think we all do! :)

    I'm a new follower!

    ✰ Mrs. Kincaid
    Mrs. Kincaid’s First Grade

  5. What a great way to have students practice such a difficult skill! Thanks for sharing!

    Minds in Bloom

  6. These are amazing - thanks, Amanda! And blessings on your new adventures in education.

